Crispy Cookies vs. Soft Cookies: The Great Debate | Maxine's Heavenly (2024)

It’s time to address the infamous debate: crispy cookies or soft cookies - which is better?

Obviously, the winner comes down to personal taste. But which style of cookie actually came first: the soft fluffy variety, or the crispy crunchy kind? That’s exactly what we explore below. We also discuss some of the subtle differences in how each style of cookie is made.

For those of you looking for a healthy, guilt-free cookie, we’ll wrap up by talking about how to find store-bought crispy and soft cookies with high quality ingredients.

Which Came First: Crispy Cookies or Soft Cookies?

So, does history favor the soft, or the crispy? As far as we can tell, we have to award this round of the debate to crispy cookies.

Historically, the very first cookies were actually more like biscuits or crackers. These treats eventually evolved into crispy style cookies such as the biscotti - one of the earliest and most popular cookies.

Back in the day, crisp cookies like biscotti were preferred largely because of their long shelf life. These crispy cookies were so thoroughly baked that it made them resistant to mold, and able to keep for months at a time. This made crispy cookies a favorite of sailors (even Christopher Columbus) because they could endure long sea voyages without going bad.

Crispy Cookies vs. Soft Cookies: The Great Debate | Maxine's Heavenly (1)

How to Make Crispy Cookies

If you’re looking to make a flatter, crisper cookie, the key is to use ingredients that allow the cookies to spread out while they’re baking. You’ll want to use a fat with a low melting temperature, such as butter or coconut oil, as these allow the cookies to spread much more during baking than solid fats (like shortening, for example).

Another tip is to simply bake the cookies slightly longer than you would a soft cookie. For crispy cookies, it’s best to bake them until the edges start to brown (but not burn) and the cookie is baked all the way through.

How to Make Soft-Baked Cookies

Soft-baked cookies are often made using a solid fat with a higher melting point, which prevents the cookie from spreading while baking. The result is a thicker, softer, chewier cookie.

Another simple trick for softer cookies is to use chilled dough. Chilling the cookie dough before baking is another way to keep the cookies from spreading too thin while they’re in the oven.

Crispy Cookies vs. Soft Cookies: The Great Debate | Maxine's Heavenly (2)

Best Store-Bought Crispy Cookies & Soft-Baked Cookies

Now you know how crispy and soft cookies are made, but what if you want a convenient store- bought solution? Good news: Maxine’s Heavenly now offers both crispy and soft-baked cookies, so you can satisfy your sweet tooth no matter your preference.

Plus, both our soft-baked and crispy style cookies feature higher quality ingredients than many other store-bought brands. We don’t use refined flour, and we sweeten our cookies with clean ingredients like coconut sugar and dates.

Crispy Cookies vs. Soft Cookies: The Great Debate | Maxine's Heavenly (3)

The result is guilt-free cookies that still have the homemade taste you know and love. And whether crispy or soft-baked, our cookies will always be gluten-free and vegan. So you can share them with everyone!

You can learn more about the benefits of our wholesome ingredients here.

Crispy Cookies vs. Soft Cookies: The Great Debate | Maxine's Heavenly (4)

Crispy Cookies vs. Soft Cookies: The Great Debate | Maxine's Heavenly (2024)


What is the difference between a soft cookie and a crispy cookie? ›

Soft cookies have a water concentration of 6% or higher – moisture being the variable in texture. To make cookies crispy, add less liquid or bake it in the oven for longer to dry out the dough.

Do people like crunchy or chewy cookies? ›

There are two schools of thought when it comes to cookies—soft or crispy. Some people like them soft and chewy, while others prefer them crispy and crunchy.

Why are Tate's cookies so good? ›

It all comes down to the ratios and technique. With the right balance of ingredients put together in the right way, chocolate chip cookies can be wonderfully thin, golden, and buttery, with a brittle sort of crunch.

Should cookies be soft or hard? ›

Chocolate chip cookies are a matter of personal preference, and whether you need a crispy or soft cookie, it cannot be argued that a combo of both is what cookie perfection is all about.

What affects whether a cookie is soft or crisp? ›

The ingredients you use and how you shape your cookies both play an important role in whether your cookies turn out crispy or chewy. The type of flour and sugar you use, if your cookie dough contains eggs, and whether you use melted or softened butter all factor into the crispy-chewy equation, too.

What is the secret to soft cookies? ›

Cornstarch Is The Secret To Soft And Chewy Cookies.

What is the controversy with Tate's Bake Shop? ›

Tate's Bake Shop, known for its chocolate chip cookie, has been a Hamptons staple for decades. Employees said management has threatened them with deportation ahead of their union vote. A majority of Tate's 450 workers are undocumented immigrants, who are protected under US labor laws.

Are tates cookies getting smaller? ›

Tate's Bake Shop Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies, 4 - 7 oz Bags. These cookies have shrunk this past year or so, about 25% at least.

How long do Tate's cookies stay fresh? ›

Cookies: Maintain unopened cookies in their original packaging until you plan to eat them, up to their "best by" date. Bars and Squares: Refrigerate upon receipt for up to 5 days or freeze as is for up to 3 months. Thaw one hour before serving. Pies: Refrigerate upon receipt for up to 5 days.

Should sugar cookies be soft or crispy? ›

The very best sugar cookies are soft and tender. → Follow this tip: One of the keys to great sugar cookies is mixing the dry ingredients only until they're just incorporated, and not a second longer. Once the dry ingredients are added, less mixing equals more tender cookies.

How do I make my cookies chewy instead of crunchy? ›

Double Your Yolks Most cookie recipes call for at least one egg. You can try omitting the white of each egg, which tends to dry out when baked, and replacing it with an additional yolk. Plus, egg yolks have more fat than egg whites, which helps to keep your cookies moist and chewy.

How to retain the crispiness of cookies? ›

The easiest way to retain the freshness and texture of cookies and biscuits is by storing them in an airtight container and keeping them at a cool and dry place like a pantry.

What does it mean if cookies are soft? ›

Soft cookie doughs usually contain more moisture and less fat and flour than crisp cookies and biscuits. Cookies can be softened by using a higher amount of sugars and specialty texturizers.

Should sugar cookies be crunchy or soft? ›

The very best sugar cookies are soft and tender. → Follow this tip: One of the keys to great sugar cookies is mixing the dry ingredients only until they're just incorporated, and not a second longer. Once the dry ingredients are added, less mixing equals more tender cookies.

How do you make crispy cookies soft? ›

There are a few common methods for softening cookies, including microwaving them, heating them in the oven, and placing them in an airtight container with a slice of bread.

What makes cookies flat and crispy? ›

Melted butter – To achieve thin and crisp cookies, I've discovered that melted butter is really crucial. Melted butter helps the cookies to spread out and become flatter with crisp edges.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.