5 Fixable Reasons Your Gingerbread Cookies Are Coming Out Wrong (2024)

5 Fixable Reasons Your Gingerbread Cookies Are Coming Out Wrong (1)

Iryna Veklich via Getty Images

Whether you’re digging out a recipe card from the family archives or turning to Google for a quick and easy sugar cookie recipe, there’s something so satisfying about mixing together dough, cutting it into festive shapes and dancing along to Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” all the while.

If you’re planning on making gingerbread this season ― either decorating gingerbread cookies or constructing a gingerbread house ― there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure it looks and tastes as amazing as it should. To that end, we’ve tapped the expertise of some professional chefs, who have graciously shared their secrets to making perfect gingerbread.


First things first, what makes the perfect gingerbread? For Jürgen David, director of pastry research and development at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York, gingerbread that you’re planning on eating should have risen in the oven and have rounded edges. “It shouldn’t look flat or dry,” he said. “There are some gingerbread recipes that are hard right after baking and need to sit for a few days to soften. Molasses and honey hardens gingerbread, but as the sugar absorbs moisture, it will get softer.

Cookbook author and ”Great American Baking Show” winner Vallery Lomas likes a gingerbread cookie that’s packed with flavor. “I want to taste a lot of the spices ― especially ginger,” she said. “The texture can run the gamut from cake-like to crispy.”

Mistake #1: Underseasoning your dough

When you bite into a gingerbread cookie, it should taste like Christmas. Something has definitely gone wrong if your gingerbread is bland and doesn’t have a distinct ginger flavor. To prevent this from happening, Lomas recommends using several different types of ginger: dried ground ginger, fresh ginger and candied ginger. “A variety of types of ginger makes for a tastier, more complex cookie,” she said.

A caveat: If you’re making a gingerbread house, Lomas says to skip the candied ginger since it’s chunky and can get in the way of having smooth walls.


Mistake #2: Not resting your dough

Resting your gingerbread dough does two key things: develops flavor and keeps the cookies from spreading too much in the oven.

“The flavors need time to mature, preferably overnight,” said Axel Jörgensen, general manager of Göteborgs Pepparkaksbageri, a Swedish bakery in Gothenburg that’s been open since 1924 and specializes in gingerbread biscuits. At the bakery, the dough is stored in plastic containers with lids and rests in a cool room for several hours before it’s cut into shapes.

After the gingerbread is cut out, Lomas recommends putting it into the fridge for at least 30 minutes and up to three days. Chilling the dough before it goes into a hot oven gives the butter a chance to firm up and reduces how much it spreads when baking. “You should chill the dough both before rolling and cutting and after,” she said.

Mistake #3: Rolling out your dough unevenly

Precision is important when making gingerbread for construction purposes, and that includes uniform thickness. “When rolling out the dough, place two rulers of even thickness (or another item) on either side of your rolling space,” David said. “Because the gingerbread dough will be rolling between the two rulers, and the rolling pin on top of them, the dough will be the same thickness all the way through.” There are rolling pin guides you can buy that help you achieve even thickness, but David’s method allows you to get a similar effect using items you already have at home.

5 Fixable Reasons Your Gingerbread Cookies Are Coming Out Wrong (2)



Mistake #4: Taking the gingerbread out of the oven and letting it cool

If you’re making a gingerbread house, having flat pieces with precise lines is essential to achieving a solid structure. Since cookies often spread when they’re baked, David recommends trimming your gingerbread right after you take it out of the oven to ensure your pieces are the correct sizes for construction. “The gingerbread will be easiest to cut while still warm,” he said.

Once you’re finished cutting the pieces to size, David recommends topping your gingerbread with a piece of parchment paper, then placing something heavy on top of it (like a sheet pan with a pot) until the gingerbread has completely cooled. “Gingerbread can curl as it cools, so putting something on top ensures it stays flat,” he said.

If you find that your pieces still need a little trimming after they have cooled, Lomas recommends using a rasp or microplane to file down the sides and corners for a perfect fit.

Mistake #5: Using soft gingerbread to make a gingerbread house

Soft gingerbread is great for eating and making decorated gingerbread people. But for building gingerbread houses? Not so much. To achieve crispy, sturdy gingerbread, Lomas recommends letting the baked gingerbread pieces dry out for a day or two. Don’t put the pieces in the refrigerator or keep them in a closed container, as this keeps the moisture in. “The longer it dries out, the easier it is to work with for construction purposes,” she said.

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5 Fixable Reasons Your Gingerbread Cookies Are Coming Out Wrong (3)

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5 Fixable Reasons Your Gingerbread Cookies Are Coming Out Wrong (2024)


5 Fixable Reasons Your Gingerbread Cookies Are Coming Out Wrong? ›

“There are some gingerbread recipes that are hard right after baking and need to sit for a few days to soften. Molasses and honey hardens gingerbread, but as the sugar absorbs moisture, it will get softer.”

Why did my gingerbread cookies come out hard? ›

“There are some gingerbread recipes that are hard right after baking and need to sit for a few days to soften. Molasses and honey hardens gingerbread, but as the sugar absorbs moisture, it will get softer.”

How do you fix cookie dough mistakes? ›

One option is to add milk, water, or another liquid until the dough is the right consistency. You can also try adding melted butter or shortening. If your dough is still too dry, you may need to add more flour. If your cookie dough is too dry and crumbly, you can try adding more fat to it.

Why did my gingerbread not rise? ›

If the batter stands around for a long time then the bicarbonate of soda will have activated and expired and the gingerbread won't rise. So make sure that you heat the oven before you start to make the batter.

How to fix gingerbread cookie dough? ›

Too much flour will make your cookies crumbly and dry. If your dough is too crumbly: mix in 1 tbsp of milk until the dough is soft and pliable again. Be sure to chill your dough for at least 3 hours. This will help the flavor of the dough and consistency so it doesn't spread when baking.

Why do my cookies come out hard? ›

Cookies become hard when the moisture in them evaporates. This can be caused by leaving them out in the air for too long, baking them for too long, or storing them improperly. The lack of moisture makes the cookies hard and dry, which makes them difficult to enjoy.

What makes gingerbread hard or soft? ›

Some gingerbread recipes require some time to soften after baking because they are initially firm. Gingerbread is made harder by molasses and honey, but it becomes softer when water is absorbed by the sugar.

How do you keep gingerbread from puffing up? ›

Instead, the dough is moistened with corn syrup so it bakes up nice and flat, with little to none of the puffing that steam would create. Corn syrup also keeps freshly baked gingerbread pliable and soft, allowing the warm pieces to be cut without shattering.

How do you fix broken gingerbread? ›

Use royal icing to attach the pieces back together. Another trick is to use candy melts as the “glue”. It dries much faster than icing. Whichever option you choose, it is best to let the repair dry overnight.

Can you overwork gingerbread dough? ›

Gingerbread is supposed to have crisp edges and a soft centre, overworking the dough will make them tough – and nobody wants that! Chill your dough in the fridge before you roll it out, this relaxes the gluten in the dough and makes it easier to handle.

How do I stop my gingerbread from sinking? ›

You could always try rolling it in flour before adding to the mixture, helps to dry it out and stop it sinking. Works with chocolate chips and sultanas but never tried it with ginger. Ginger is the devils food !!!!

How sticky should gingerbread dough be? ›

Dough should be soft (not dry or crumbly) but not sticky. If sticky, add a few tablespoons of flour until desired consistency is achieved.

Are gingerbread cookies supposed to be soft or hard? ›

Should gingerbread cookies be hard or soft? Soft gingerbread biscuits are ideal. They ought to be flexible. However, they should still be somewhat elastic, and if you hold them too firmly because you're so excited to eat them, you might even be able to leave your fingerprints on the cookie!

How to keep cookies from getting hard after baking? ›

Putting a slice of fresh white bread in the container with the cookies will help the cookies stay soft: fresh bread is moist, and that slice will give up its moisture for the greater good: keeping the cookies from drying out. We recommend white bread so that no flavor is transferred to the cookies.

Why is my gingerbread crunchy? ›

Keep in mind that the longer the cookies bake, the harder and crunchier they'll be. For soft gingerbread cookies, follow my suggested bake times. Allow cookies to cool for 5 minutes on the cookie sheet.

What if gingerbread dough is too hard after the fridge? ›

The safest method is to take the too-firm dough out of the refrigerator and simply wait until it's soft enough. If you want to speed the process up a bit, choose a warm spot.

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