Types of gingerbread | Original St. Wolfganger Gingerbread (2024)

The three distinct types of gingerbread are brown gingerbread, wafer-based gingerbread and honey gingerbread.

Types of gingerbread | Original St. Wolfganger Gingerbread (1)BROWN GINGERBREAD

This includes all gingerbread dough made with honey or syrup and baked without using a wafer base. For every 2 parts flour, at least 1 part sugar or sweetener should be used. Ground seeds are optional.

Types of gingerbread | Original St. Wolfganger Gingerbread (2)WAFER GINGERBREAD

This type of gingerbread contains at least 12.5% almonds and/or walnuts and is baked with a wafer base. If necessary, substitute a 14% ground seed mixture.

Types of gingerbread | Original St. Wolfganger Gingerbread (3)HONEY GINGERBREAD

This is one of the oldest types of gingerbread. Made with honey, eggs, flour and the finest spices, the dough mass can be modified using additional flavors should you choose.

Types of gingerbread | Original St. Wolfganger Gingerbread (2024)


What are the different types of gingerbread? ›

The three distinct types of gingerbread are brown gingerbread, wafer-based gingerbread and honey gingerbread.

What is the difference between hard and soft gingerbread? ›

“There are some gingerbread recipes that are hard right after baking and need to sit for a few days to soften. Molasses and honey hardens gingerbread, but as the sugar absorbs moisture, it will get softer.”

What's the difference between gingerbread and gingersnaps? ›

Both are spiced cookies. The main differences are that gingersnaps are typically rolled into balls, while gingerbread is rolled out and cut into shapes. Gingersnaps are also baked slightly longer, which is where they get their snappy crispiness. Gingerbread is typically a little chewier.

What country did gingerbread come from? ›

Gingerbread, as we know it today, descends from Medieval European culinary traditions. Gingerbread was also shaped into different forms by monks in Franconia, Germany in the 13th century. Lebkuchen bakers are recorded as early as 1296 in Ulm and 1395 in Nuremberg.

What is the best gingerbread in the world? ›

Victorian cook Sarah Nelson invented Grasmere Gingerbread® in 1854 in the English Lake District village from where it gets its name. A unique, spicy-sweet cross between a biscuit and cake, its reputation quickly spread and it is now enjoyed by food lovers all over the world.

What is the biggest gingerbread? ›

We baked the World's Largest Gingerbread Man Cookie!

He weighed 1,308 lbs, 8 oz and measured 20 feet from head-to-toe.

Should gingerbread be soft or crunchy? ›

Should gingerbread cookies be hard or soft? Soft gingerbread biscuits are ideal. They ought to be flexible. However, they should still be somewhat elastic, and if you hold them too firmly because you're so excited to eat them, you might even be able to leave your fingerprints on the cookie!

Why is it called gingerbread when there is no ginger? ›

Etymology. Originally, the term gingerbread (from Latin zingiber via Old French gingebras) referred to preserved ginger. It then referred to a confection made with honey and spices. Gingerbread is often used to translate the French term pain d'épices ( lit.

What makes gingerbread so strong? ›

A 1:4 ratio of butter to flour makes the gingerbread strong. Corn syrup keeps freshly baked gingerbread pliable and soft, so it's easy to cut while warm. Rolling the dough directly on parchment makes it easy to transfer to the pan.

What makes gingerbread taste like gingerbread? ›

Spice Combinations

Some other common spices used in gingerbread recipes are cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, and allspice. Cinnamon is available in ground form and in a stick. For baking, you should use ground cinnamon. Nutmeg adds a nutty, sweet spiciness to gingerbread.

Does gingerbread have actual ginger? ›

Spices. This recipe uses a cozy blend of wintery spices: ground ginger, ground cinnamon, and cloves work with the flavors of the molasses for a true gingerbread flavor.

What's the difference between gingerbread and molasses cookies? ›

Texturally, gingerbread cookies are usually a bit thinner and less soft (depending on the recipe). One of the more obvious differences here is that gingerbread cookies are typically rolled out and cut into shapes and iced while molasses cookies are rolled in sparkling sugar.

What is the dark history of gingerbread? ›

​Superstitions about gingerbread flourished in the 17th century. Witches supposedly made gingerbread figures, ate them, and thereby caused the death of their enemies. Dutch magistrates went so far as to declare baking or eating molded cookies illegal.

Which country eats the most gingerbread? ›

In 2018, the highest levels of gingerbread per capita consumption was registered in the Netherlands (2,361 kg per 1000 persons), followed by Germany (886 kg per 1000 persons), Belgium (799 kg per 1000 persons) and Spain (748 kg per 1000 persons), while the world average per capita consumption of gingerbread was ...

Is gingerbread healthy? ›

Gingerbread's delightful combination of flavours and spices isn't just a treat for the taste buds; it's also a potential boon for your health. From its anti-inflammatory properties to its digestive benefits, gingerbread offers an unexpected array of advantages that can complement a well-rounded diet.

What is the main flavor of gingerbread? ›

Gingerbread refers to a broad category of baked goods, typically flavored with ginger, cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon and sweetened with honey, sugar, or molasses.

What are the names of ginger cookies? ›

In America we have two names for these: molasses cookies or gingerbread. These are either thick moist and chewy or the gingerbread cookies can be harder and something one rolls out and cuts into shapes, baked and decorated. We also have ginger snap cookies that are small drops, crisp/hard and spicy sweet.

What is Victorian gingerbread? ›

gingerbread, in architecture and design, elaborately detailed embellishment, either lavish or superfluous. Although the term is occasionally applied to highly detailed and decorative styles, it is more often applied specifically to the work of American designers of the late 1860s and '70s.

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