Storing Fudge (2024)

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Fudge is best stored at room temperature for 2 to 3 weeks wrapped up in its original wax paper.NEVER REFRIGERATE your fudge as this will draw out the moisture and leave you with dry, crumbly fudge.

Freezing Fudge

Most of the time fudgeis consumed within the first week...however, if you plan on keeping it past the 3 week shelf life then you can freeze your fudge for up to a year by following this simple process.

  1. Wrap your fudge in an air-tight container. Several layers of saran wrap, vacuum seal, Tupperware should all keep the moisture locked in pretty good.
  2. A couple hours before you would like to enjoy your fudge, take it out of the freezer and allow it to thaw out on your counter.
  3. ENJOY!

Hard Fudge?

If fudge is left unwrapped or accidentally put in a cold area/refrigerator then the result can be hard fudge. It is possible (but not guaranteed) to reverse this process by wrapping up your fudge in several layers of clear wrap. Thisallows the moisture to re-permeate into the fudge & make it soft again.

If this doesn't work then a yummy alternative is to melt your fudge on ice cream. To do this place your fudge in a sauce pan with a splash of milk. Constantly stir until the fudge warms & softens up. Pour the fudge sauce on your ice cream and get ready for some amazing ice cream.

Storing Fudge (2024)


What is the best way to store fudge? ›

So to recap, it's best to store proper fudge at room temperature. Keeping it in the fridge takes out all its moisture, drying it out. Homemade fudge is best in the fridge. No matter where you store it, the goal is to protect the fudge from exposure to the elements so airtight containers are best!

How long will fudge last unrefrigerated? ›

Fudge is best stored at room temperature for 2 to 3 weeks wrapped up in its original wax paper. NEVER REFRIGERATE your fudge as this will draw out the moisture and leave you with dry, crumbly fudge.

How to store fudge made with condensed milk long term? ›

For an extra layer of protection, wrap the fudge in some wax paper before storing. Fudge should be stored in a dry, dark, and cool area away from direct sunlight, like a cupboard or pantry, and not on your kitchen counter. If you need to store your fudge for much longer, freezing is a great option.

How do you store fudge from the fudgery? ›

Storage and Shelf Life

To prevent freezer burn and contamination, fudge should be wrapped in wax paper and then placed in an airtight container or heavy-duty freezer bag. This packaging ensures that the fudge maintains its moisture content and quality.

Does fudge need to be stored airtight? ›

Fresh homemade fudge typically lasts for about 1 to 2 weeks when kept at room temperature. It's essential to store it in an airtight container to prevent exposure to air and moisture, which can hasten spoilage.

Can you store fudge in foil? ›

The best way to store fudge is to keep it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly with wax paper, aluminum foil, or plastic wrap. This will help prevent the fudge from drying out or developing a slimy texture.

Does freezing fudge ruin it? ›

If you're hoping to keep your fudge tucked away for quite some time, storing it in the freezer is a great option. Fudge properly stored in the freezer will last for 2 to 3 months. Some fudge can last up to a year in the freezer.

How do you know when fudge is bad? ›

Signs That Your Fudge Has Gone Bad

Signs of spoilage include a dry, crumbly texture, discoloration, and an off smell or taste. If you notice any of these signs, it's best to discard the fudge to avoid any potential health risks.

Do you set fudge in the fridge or room temp? ›

The ratio of chocolate to condensed milk needs to be just right, otherwise you might end up with fudge that is too soft or too hard. Do not freeze the fudge to set it. Best way is to just be patient for a couple hours and set it in the fridge. If your fudge hasn't set, then you've gone wrong somewhere else.

Why won't my 3 ingredient condensed milk fudge set? ›

Why won't my 3 ingredient fudge set? This often happens when the condensed milk and chocolate chip mixture isn't hot enough to start. Everything must be completely melted before it is transferred to the pan to cool.

Why is my condensed milk fudge soft? ›

The amount of time you cook fudge directly affects its firmness. Too little time and the water won't evaporate, causing the fudge to be soft. Conversely, cook it too long and fudge won't contain enough water, making it hard with a dry, crumbly texture.

Why is condensed milk not refrigerated? ›

Sweetened condensed milk has a longer shelf time due to its high level of sugar. Canned condensed milk can be shelved for up to a year even without refrigeration. However, after being exposed to air, canned condensed milk must be stored in the refrigerator, decreasing its shelf time significantly.

Can you store fudge in a Ziploc bag? ›

A: Storing Fudge @ Room Temp: The key to fudge is keeping the moisture in the fudge. To do this keep your fudge in wrapped in the wax paper/saran wrap that it came with. Beyond that you could place it in a zip lock bag or even heat seal it in a bag.

Can I freeze fudge to make it set? ›

We like to set this fudge in the freezer to make it quicker! Once you add the fudge to your pan it will need just 30 minutes in the freezer to set.

Does condensed milk fudge need to be refrigerated? ›

Store the fudge in airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks or in the fridge for up to 4 weeks.

Should fudge set in the fridge? ›

The ratio of chocolate to condensed milk needs to be just right, otherwise you might end up with fudge that is too soft or too hard. Do not freeze the fudge to set it. Best way is to just be patient for a couple hours and set it in the fridge. If your fudge hasn't set, then you've gone wrong somewhere else.

How do you save fudge that didn't set? ›

Options for what you can do with your unset fudge:

OPTION 1) Depending on how runny it is, you can either use it as a frosting for cakes, or a sauce for ice-cream. OPTION 2) Freeze it overnight.

How do you soften fudge in the fridge? ›

You have one option to make it soft, which is you have to put the fudge pieces in a plastic bag along with the paper towel or a bread slice. Secure the bag and leave it overnight, next day you will get a softened fudge.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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