Robert Miller on LinkedIn: Greg Gutfeld made a brilliant observation tonight on Fox News the Five… | 28 comments (2024)

Robert Miller

Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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Greg Gutfeld made a brilliant observation tonight on Fox News the Five about Kamala Harris bursting on the scene today as the claques in the media called it the "most exciting" first day of any presidential campaign in history. Yes, the new improved repackaged Kamala Harris. The co-pilot of the most successful presidency in the history of America. And Kamala was right there with Joe Biden. Gutfeld pointed out that this "grand entrance" a la Lorretta Young, will last as long as her first in depth interview. Then we will see the old Kamala. Clueless, unintelligible, and embarrassingly unprepared for prime time. As a boomer, this reminds me of the Seinfeld episode of the two-faced girl. If you remember, Jerry dates this woman who seems to morph from one scene to the next between a Jekyll and and Hyde appearance. One minute she is gorgeous, the nest she is a monster. This is Kamala all over. Since Joe bowed out and endorsed her, Kamala seems to have been reborn like Venus coming out of a sea shell. She is smart, quick witted, and sure of herself. But, you know the old Kamala is still lurking not to far under the surface. Just waiting for a smart interviewer to pull it out of her. The question Greg Gutfeld asks is how long can the media hide the ugly Kamala from the public? Trump was asked whether he would be willing to debate Kamala. The media had predicted Trump would decline in fear. But, Trump threw them a curve ball saying not only would he debate Kamala, but that it was imperative that such a debate take place and he would be for more than one. Oh, boy. That may be a problem for the Kamala people.

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Charlie Anteby



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Trump is in a complete panic losing major donors and party support. It's best to post accurately and properly inform followers. I know some times the truth hurts, but credibility is important Bob.

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Brian S.

Electrical Controls Engineer at JW Aluminum


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They were able to hide Joe Biden in a basem*nt for the entire 2020 Presidential Election cycle. I am sure they can keep her true self hidden for three months. Though if suspicions are right and Joe Biden does resign tonight to allow Kamala to take over, it may prove to be a more difficult job to hide her. Joe might do that if for no other reason than to return the favor to the Democratic powerhouse that made him leave the campaign against his will.

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Jim Small

Principal Investigator


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“Long enough” is the answer. Who says there’s an in-depth interview to come? Much as Trump’s team is keeping him somewhat aligned, Harris will be pure TelePrompter from here on out. I’d be amazed if we are treated to another word salad. Biden campaigned from his basem*nt. Harris will effectively do the same. MSM will salute.Trump has gone from cruise control to 2nd place overnight because the powers that be are comfortably ensconced behind the curtain. Who is currently the Commander-in-Chief? I sure hope it’s Joe Biden and the chain is unbroken but, jeepers, what a mess. I couldn’t just say “Biden” there, as I distrust ambiguity in such things.

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Joe M.

Former Executive Vice President


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She has notoriously bad interpersonal skills, and when nobody shows up for any rallies (if her minders even allow that) the curtain falls on this one act show.

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Dan Earley IEng

Senior Mission Systems Engineer - My opinions are my own.


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Just watching the old debate where Tulsi Gabbard took her down in about a minute should be enough.

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Edward Marchakitus, CFDAI

🔹Powerful Coach, Mentor, Trainer to Businesses, Owners and Entrepreneurs🔹Income Stream Influencer🔹USN Veteran🔹


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Can't wait for the debates! can't polish s$%t.

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Curt Powell, PMP, CHS, CBCP

Accomplished Executive | Driving Operational Excellence & Organizational Growth


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Trump will destroy her in a debate....there is no substance or experience to draw on - her national security and foreign policy creds do not even exist! Her first trip to Europe was just in 2019!

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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    Reading the WSJ this morning, the articles about the presidential race are all pessimistic from the Republican perspective. The editors and the Op-ed writers, who have never been sold on Trump, are now bowled over by how energized Democrat voters are to see Kamala in the race. Yes, there was a lot of gloom among Democrats after Biden's debate performance. And, nothing Biden did following the debate stopped the growing feeling that he was a sure loser in November. Finally this fact was impressed upon Biden sufficiently to get him to "pass the torch" to his VP. Literally, overnight Kamala Harris went from a punchline by late night comedians to the savior of the Democrat Party. The media went into full gear puffing her up and oohing and ahhing over her ability to complete sentences and give a speech without reading from a teleprompter. This gushing response to her merely being intelligible reminds me of parents of babies reacting to their child's first halting steps into toddlerhood. It is a pretty low bar, in my opinion, to be bowled over when someone running for president manages to be coherent. Yes, it is a perhaps an improvement from Biden, but just because Kamala is walking instead of crawling doesn't mean we shouldn't examine where she is going. And where Kamala's new found voice is taking her is to the far left of Joe Biden. As some pundits have pointed out, Kamala's political views that were best expressed when she was running for president in 2019. She was running at that time with every far left idea in her party. As some are reminding us, she was for abolishing ICE, decriminalizing illegal immigration, Medicare for all, defunding the police, raising taxes, eliminating gas powered automobiles, reducing meat consumption, etc. It was a progressive wish list on which nothing was left out. Donald Trump was on Fox News this morning warning voters that Kamala is a "typical San Francisco liberal." That is not hyperbole. That is a fact. She can try to reinvent herself now as just being Biden's second term, but her instincts and record suggest it would be Gavin Newsom's first term. So, Democrats can feel relief that they threw the Biden anchor overboard to lighten the load they are carrying in the campaign, but the feeling may not last as video of Kamala's past statements start catching up with her. I read from the Democrats who post on Linkedin that they see "panic" in the Trump campaign from having to face Kamala. Let's be clear, Donald was saying almost from the day after his debate with Biden that he was not sure who he would be running against. It isn't like Democrats pushing Biden off the ticket came as a surprise. And that it is Kamala isn't much of a surprise either. In fact, Trump has already said that he thinks Kamala will be an easier candidate to defeat that Biden. This is still Trump's vision of America First against the Biden-Harris record of policies leading to America's decline.


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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    I was at the tennis courts in near my health club this evening. Wednesday the Department of Public Recreation (DPR) holds clinics for the tennis challenged. It didn't look like I was going to get to play so I was leaving when someone called my name. Turned out it was a guy who I have played with before who is literally the best person who ever stepped foot on those tennis courts. I hadn't seen him this season. He said he had moved. But, then here he was in the flesh and I asked him if he wanted to play. He said he would get his racquet.In the meantime I go over to the empty court as the DPR class ends. But a couple of guys in the class decide they want to play on the court. I pointed out they just finished playing. One guy said t that they weren't done. I corrected him. I told him they were done. My partner showed up around that time and he didn't want to get into it with these two guys. So, I retreated telling them I hoped to never see them at the courts again. After about 15 minutes more of futility, they left. And me an my partner walked on the court. One guy commented on my Trump shirt saying "what's that about?" I told him it was about me. He replied that he saw me at the court every day sitting and watching. I said, yes waiting for someone who could actually play tennis. He replied that I shouldn't judge people who were still learning. I said yes I would. My partner was a little embarrassed by me. I felt pretty good about me. What do you think?



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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    This post has a factual error in it. I live in DC. The picture you are looking at is not the U.S. Capitol. It is Union Station on Capitol Hill. While there were Capitol Police present, I asked one of them why they didn't do something. He said "jurisdiction." Union Station is under the auspices of the U.S. Park Service. And the authority for arresting those destroying federal property there would have been the Park Service. Apparently they had instructions not to intervene. I would demand answers from the Park Service as to why they allowed the American flag to be removed and burned, and a Palestinian flag raised instead.



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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    Update of today's anti-Netanyahu demonstrations here in your nation's capitol. I went over to Union Station this afternoon to buy dinner for the wife and myself, but turns out that the protesters had completely taken over Union Station and just about the only people allowed in were those with Amtrak tickets. I observed that the protesters had desecrated the Columbus statue which stands in front of the train station. They also had pulled down the American flag that sits high on a flag pole and burned it. The replaced the American flag with with a Palestinian flag. I asked one of the Capitol Police why they allowed the American flag to be pulled down and burned right in front of them. I was told that it was "jurisdictional." Union Station is the Park Service's responsibility. The Park Service police were there as well, but apparently senior management had decided to not "escalate" the situation. And they did absolutely nothing when the Columbus statue was spray painted and the American flag pulled down and replaced with a Palestinian flag. Seeing that there was no chance of getting dinner at Union Station, I started to peddle away when I saw the group of Muslims who were at the Supreme Court the other day. I peddled over and told them it was nice to see them again. I told them they were likely to get their wish that Kamala would abandon Israel if elected. Surprisingly, they were not impressed. In fact that showed me their new sign. Instead of "dump Biden," they know want to dump Kamala. They asked me if I wanted a sign. I said sure. Below is a picture their sign with my favorite cat and an Israeli flag.

    • Robert Miller on LinkedIn: Greg Gutfeld made a brilliant observation tonight on Fox News the Five… | 28 comments (26)



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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    I just got back from the Health Club. But, as promised earlier, I stopped off at the Anti-Netanyahu demonstration. This was a mix of people in Muslim outfits, Jews wearing "Not in My Name" T-shirts, the usual few Hasidic Jews who think Israel should be disbanded till the "real Messiah comes," and the usual gang of leftist idiots who show up for every demonstration. As is my custom, I position myself next to a cordon of cops dressed in riot gear. The demonstration was, as the saying goes, mostly peaceful. But, let's just say, I wasn't about to let anyone of these protesters get behind me. One guy who had a press pass and appeared to be part of the demonstration came by to stick a camera in my face and tell me I was a supporter of genocide for wearing a Jews for Trump shirt. I responded with "Is being a Jew for Hamas better?" To which he gave me the universal response to have sex with myself. I felt sad, and moved a little closer to the police line. If you missed my earlier report, which probably almost everyone did since Linkedin buried it. I will post that below. Today is the day that Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, addresses Congress. Or at least the members of Congress who are willing to show up. That would be sans Kamala Harris and dozens of other Democrat lawmakers who are more interested in pandering to rust belt Muslims than in standing by our greatest ally in the middle-east in its time of need. I went out today to view the anti-Israel demonstrations. I put on my Jews for Trump shirt, got on my bike and rolled over to the Capitol Building. However, the streets around the Capitol were all blocked off by the Capitol Police. Apparently, they are taking no chances of a riot breaking out. What a concept? Protecting the Capitol Building from rioters. Anyway, having to detour to head to my Health Club, I passed a Church on the way which was apparently a staging area for anti-Netanyahu demonstrators. Ironically these were all people wearing Jews Against Genocide red T-shirts. I stopped to chat for a moment so they could get a good luck at my shirt. They were not amused. I told them, as a Jew, I supported Israel, one of them replied that they did not. I replied as I rode away "I hope that saves you when they come for you." I do find it odd, to say the least, that Jews are marching against Israel in support of Hamas when for Hamas the only good Jew is a dead Jew. But, apparently that irony is lost on some Jews. Or at least people pretending to be Jews. Leaving the Health Club I rode past a demonstration of hard core leftwing activists. You could tell, they were all misfits. I suppose birds of a feather flock together, but I can tell you I wouldn't want to be part of their circle.

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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    In case the point is lost on people, the WSJ today has a lead editorial and an O-ed reminding us that Kamala is at heart a far-left progressive. She always was, and she still is. As the WSJ editors point out, the message of her first rally is to fire up the base to expect she will outdo President Biden in bringing progressive big government solutions to every problem. She told admiring rally goers she sees a future where "every worker has the freedom to join a union, and every person has affordable health care, affordable child care, and paid family leave, and every senior can retire with dignity." As one analyst on Fox News noted last night, Kamala supported Bernie Sanders proposal for universal Medicare. The cost of that was estimated at $37 trillion dollars. And that is just one idea that Kamala likes. Nice promises and all of these will be delivered by Uncle Sam. The editors suggest that this platform makes it seem as if she is running against Gavin Newsom for Governor of California, rather than for the presidency where the electorate has become skeptical of government solutions and are looking for "moderation" not a further move to the left. Yes, this may help her consolidate the progressive wing of her party, but that isn't where the votes are that she needs. She needs to appeal to Independents leaning toward Trump. And her tax and spend promises aren't likely to win them over. The title of Jason Riley's Op-ed is "Kamala Harris Isn't the Change Democrats Need." He echoes the concerns of the editors with his comment "On issues from crime to immigration to inflation, Harris offers more of the same left-wing policies." Riley's point is "Democrats are changing the name at the top of the ticket when what's really needed is a course correction." But, perhaps what the Democrats are counting on is the mainstream media to continue trying to scare voters with lies, half truths, and distortions about Trump and his agenda to help them convince the voters that he is a bigger threat. The 2025 Project appearing to be a major part of this effort. It is a paper tiger that the left and their media clones will flog, implying its most extreme aspects are taken straight out of Trump's brain. This will require Herculean gaslighting from our fake news, but keep in mind they are highly motivated. Beating Trump by any means necessary has been a constant of the mainstream media for 8 years. Don't expect them to stop now.


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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    Today is the day that Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, addresses Congress. Or at least the members of Congress who are willing to show up. That would be sans Kamala Harris and dozens of other Democrat lawmakers who are more interested in pandering to rust belt Muslims than in standing by our greatest ally in the middle-east in its time of need. I went out today to view the anti-Israel demonstrations. I put on my Jews for Trump shirt, got on my bike and rolled over to the Capitol Building. However, the streets around the Capitol were all blocked off by the Capitol Police. Apparently, they are taking no chances of a riot breaking out. What a concept? Protecting the Capitol Building from rioters. Anyway, having to detour to head to my Health Club, I passed a Church on the way which was apparently a staging area for anti-Netanyahu demonstrators. Ironically these were all people wearing Jews Against Genocide red T-shirts. I stopped to chat for a moment so they could get a good luck at my shirt. They were not amused. I told them, as a Jew, I supported Israel, one of them replied that they did not. I replied as I rode away "I hope that saves you when they come for you." I do find it odd, to say the least, that Jews are marching against Israel in support of Hamas when for Hamas the only good Jew is a dead Jew. But, apparently that irony is lost on some Jews. Or at least people pretending to be Jews. Leaving the Health Club I rode past a demonstration of hard core leftwing activists. You could tell, they were all misfits. I suppose birds of a feather flock together, but I can tell you I wouldn't want to be part of their circle. That's all the news that's fit to print. Perhaps more to be said in the afternoon as I continue my rides through DC today.



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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    There is a small article in today's WSJ discussing a report that I find particularly annoying. The headline is "Army Employee Stole $109 Million." I suppose in today's day and age of massive thefts and general lack of honesty in the general population, a headline like this will just draw shrugs. But, as a former federal employee, I have to say that reading about corruption by federal employees just makes me mad. The details are even more upsetting. Not only did this federal employee steal over $100 million from the government, she stole it from a "youth development program for children of military families." In other words, she stole it from children. And what did she do with the money? She spent it "selfishly to buy extravagant houses, more than 80 vehicles, and 1500 pieces of jewelry." To top it off, her attorney said his client is "deeply remorseful." Really? Deeply remorseful is it? At which point in picking out jewelry or vehicles with the money did she become remorseful? Oh, that would be after she got caught. Speaking of which, how is it that someone in the government can steal $109 million dollars and live like a Saudi Prince without raising suspicion or getting caught? Where is the oversight? I would think a dozen people who had responsibility for either supervising her or overseeing the management of the youth development program should be fired for gross incompetence. But, don't count on it. This is your government today. I always told every intern I ever hired that "integrity" was everything. They might be smart and well educated, but if they wanted to have a good career and be respected they needed to have absolute personal integrity. I fear this new generation isn't getting that message.



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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    Under the heading, "They Never Learn," the WSJ reports "Secret Service Director Exits Over Shooting." On the face of it, the failure to protect the former president from a 20 year who got off 8 rounds at the president before being neutralized is a colossal failure of security. But, that is not the direct fault of the head of the agency. She is not a field agent. She was not responsible for allowing a shooter on a roof within 130 yards of Trump. That was entirely the fault of her Agents. Her responsibility, as she said in her testimony, was to "get to the bottom of why the failure happened and explain it." Her obtuse responses to Congressional oversight is where she lost all credibility leading to her forced resignation. The lesson that never seems to be learned is not to prevent all screw-ups. It is the lesson of Watergate. That is the cover up is worse than the crime. Yet, in Washington, among both politicians and bureaucrats, the first reaction to failure is always to cover up. Deny, deflect, hide, refuse to answer. Promise to look into things, then take your sweet time until the news cycle moves on to the next crisis and hope people forget you owe them an answer. Sure, Cheatie was going to have the failure of her team investigated, but like all investigations of the bureaucracy by the bureaucracy the conclusion will be that whatever went wrong, is now fixed. So, let's just move on and not grave rack the past. But, while Cheatie assumed going into the hearing that this tried and true approach would work, she so overplayed her hand at deflection that even Democrats couldn't stomach it. As one Congressman said to her. She deserved to be fired for her testimony alone. And that is precisely why she was fired. When you have Democrat firebrand Jamie Raskin remarking "She answered none of the questions that the American people have." You know Cheatie messed up. I watched clips of the hearing, and frankly the level of stonewalling from Cheatie truly was astonishing. Asked a simple question, "When did you start preparing for this hearing?" Cheatie replied, "When I got the notice to appear" When asked how many days ago that was, Cheatie would not give a response but merely repeated herself. That is pretty much how every question went. She gave no specific answers to the point where I doubt she would have given a direct response to "What time is it?" Well clearly it was time for her to go. I would add that as I alluded, this kind of stonewalling approach seems now to be standard operating procedure for every oversight hearing. They all end up like cat and mouse games where the witness sees giving the least information to members of the opposite party as the goal. But, as Raskin correctly admonished, it is the American people who deserve the answers. This kind of partisan gamesmanship needs to stop. More heads of agencies need to be fired when they show up to testify before Congress and say nothing of any value.



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  • Robert Miller

    Retired DC-based federal bureaucrat open to being non-competitively rehired. For new connections, don't message me to ask me to invest with you or be your friend. I do not respond to "how you doin?" messages.

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    Kamala Harris’ office has had a staggering 91.5 percent turnover rate since she became vice president, aninvestigationfrom Open The Books (OTB)revealed. Of the 47 staff members hired when Harris took office in 2021, only four reportedly remained in her employment as of March 2024. She is notoriously hard to work for. As leaked from unhappy staff, she is lazy and does not do her homework. As a result, when she gets poor reviews in the media for her public statements she takes it out on the staff. I think anyone who worked for a boss who blamed the staff for their mistakes recognizes this trait as one of the most frustrating and toxic kinds of environment. It is not how good executives operate.

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Robert Miller on LinkedIn: Greg Gutfeld made a brilliant observation tonight on Fox News the Five… | 28 comments (47)

Robert Miller on LinkedIn: Greg Gutfeld made a brilliant observation tonight on Fox News the Five… | 28 comments (48)


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Robert Miller on LinkedIn: Greg Gutfeld made a brilliant observation tonight on Fox News the Five… | 28 comments (2024)
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