Maple Syrup: Is It Good for You? (2024)

What Is Maple Syrup?

Few things in nature are as sweet as real maple syrup, which is made from the sap of a maple tree. It takes about 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup.

Does maple syrup go bad?

Maple syrup lasts for a while but will eventually spoil. Unopened, it lasts about a year in your pantry. Once it's opened, you should keep it in the fridge and throw it away after a year.

Syrup producers take pride in the quality of their product and praise its natural tastiness. Some also advertise potential maple syrup health benefits. What does research say about maple syrup and health? Is it even possible for something so sweet to be good for you?

Maple Syrup Nutrition

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that maple syrup is a high-calorie food. It has 12 grams of sugar in a single tablespoon. That tablespoon also includes:

  • Calories: 52
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 13 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams

The vitamin content of maple syrup is extremely low – almost nonexistent. But, it does have quite a few minerals in measurable quantities. One tablespoon of maple syrup has about 33% of your daily value of manganese, which is essential for healthy bones. Other minerals found in maple syrup include:

  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

Maple Syrup Benefits

Real maple syrup is plant-based, and like many plant-based foods, it is rich in antioxidants, which reduce damage molecules called free radicals can do. When too many free radicals build up, they can harm cells. This can lead to conditions like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The antioxidants and the nutrients in maple syrup result in certain health benefits:

Lower cholesterol

In animal studies, scientists find that maple syrup may have effects on cholesterol. Not only does maple syrup lower cholesterol in mice, it also has the potential to prevent inflammation.

Better brain health

Research into maple syrup’s effects on brain health is just coming to light, but the findings hint at exciting benefits. Maple syrup appears to help prevent the differences of certain proteins found in brain cells that link to the development of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. Animal studies also connect the syrup to longer lifespans with Alzheimer’s.

Getting enough manganese

The high manganese content of maple syrup makes it an easy way to make sure you get enough manganese in your diet. While an uncommon disorder, manganese deficiency can cause serious harm, including poor skeletal growth and slow wound healing.

Possible Risks of Maple Syrup

The biggest health risks of maple syrup come from its high sugar content. Too much sugar in your diet can cause a wide range of health problems and can also lead to complications in people with diabetes. Consider the following before eating maple syrup:

Tooth decay

All sugar can cause tooth decay, especially in large amounts. That's because the bacteria that cause tooth decay can feed on sugar in the mouth and multiply. The more sugar a person has, the more likely they are to get dental cavities.

Diabetes complications

Maple syrup gives you carbohydrates in the form of sugars without fiber. As a result, maple syrup can cause swings in blood sugar and insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone that moves sugar in our blood to cells that convert it to energy. People with diabetes may have bad side effects from the sugar in maple syrup.

Maple Syrup Substitutes

If you're out of maple syrup, try one of these substitutes in your next recipe:

  • Honey
  • Molasses
  • Agave nectar
  • Corn syrup

They may not taste the same as maple syrup, but you can use them in the same way.

Maple syrup vs. honey

Both maple syrup and honey are plant-based foods. While maple syrup comes from the maple tree, honeybees make honey using the nectar of flowers. Unlike maple syrup, honey never spoils. You don't need to refrigerate it and can store it unopened at room temperature in a cool, dry place. Honey is a bit sweeter than maple syrup, with 17 grams of sugar per tablespoon, compared to 12 grams in maple syrup.

How Is Maple Syrup Made?

To make maple syrup, workers drive a tap into the bark of a maple tree and collect the sap that flows out. The sap is then concentrated, which increases the sugar content from about 2% to around 66%. This process also darkens the color.

Maple syrup tree

Any species of maple tree can yield maple syrup, including sugar, black, red, and silver maples. Box elder trees can also produce the sap needed for maple syrup. You'll find the highest concentration of sugar in the sap of the sugar maple.

How to make maple syrup

It would be pretty difficult to make genuine maple syrup yourself, but you can make a version at home. Gather one cup each of water, white sugar, and brown sugar, plus one tablespoon of maple-flavored extract. Boil the water, brown sugar, and white sugar in a saucepan on the stove. Lower the heat and stir in the maple-flavored extract. Simmer for about 3 minutes or until your syrup has thickened.

Maple Syrup Grades

Maple syrup is graded based on two things: color and flavor. In 2015, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) set guidelines for how to best classify maple syrup. There are four grades:

  • Golden. Lightest color and delicate flavor. This grade of maple syrup usually comes from the first sap during the sugaring season.
  • Amber. Rich flavor with a bit darker color than golden. It has a full-bodied taste. This is usually the kind people look for when they want classic maple syrup.
  • Dark. This grade is stronger than the first two and, overall, has a more pure maple flavor.
  • Very dark. Darkest color and strongest flavor. It's good for cooking.

When grading maple syrup, taste always takes priority over color. So you might have a syrup that's golden in color but has a strong flavor. In that case, it it would get the dark grade.

How to Use Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is for more than just pancakes. You can use it in:

  • Granola
  • co*cktails
  • Desserts
  • Energy bars
  • Salad dressing

Where to Get Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is produced in a variety of places across the northern region of North America, including much of Canada and parts of the U.S. East Coast and Midwest. The state of Vermont makes about 50% of the maple syrup produced in the U.S.

Maple syrup price

Depending on where you live, maple syrup ranges in price from $32 to $64 a gallon. The average price in the U.S. is about $36 a gallon.

What Is Maple Sugar?

Maple sugar is a natural sweetener.It's made by boiling the tree’s sap, which cuts its water content until it’s a solid sugar. Native Americans discovered this method.

Maple sugar vs. sugar

Maple sugar can replace other sugar products, like white or brown sugar. It’s naturally sweeter, so you can use less of it for the same effect in the kitchen.

Maple Sugar Nutrition

Because it's made from maple syrup, maple sugar has the same nutrition makeup, mostly sugar and carbohydrates. And it has the same minerals.

One tablespoon of maple sugar contains:

  • Calories: 52
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 13 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 12 grams

Maple sugar is a source of:

  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium

Maple Sugar Benefits

Pure maple sugar may offer health benefits over other sugars, including:

Anticancer properties

Maple sugar contains manyantioxidants, substances that help fight and reversecell damagein your body. One of these antioxidants, quebecol, only exists in pure maple products. One study found quebecol killedcervical,ovarian,breast, andcolon cancer cells, and may behave almost like a common chemotherapy drug.

Less stress on the liver

The antioxidants in maple sugar may also protect againstliver damage. One study found that maple sugar cuts down ammonia in the blood, which, in high levels, can cause liver disease.

Improves gut health

Maple sugar containsinsulin. Researchers believe insulin may work with maple sugar’s antioxidants and nutrients to boost the growth ofgood bacteria in the gut.

This balance of bacteria helps support a healthy immune system and can protect the body againsthealth issues likechronic inflammation.

Lower risk of blood sugar spikes

Maple sugar contains low amounts offructose, which gives it a lowerglycemic index than white and brown sugars. This glycemic index ranks foods based on how quickly they cause your blood sugar to rise.

Blood sugar spikes can cause tiredness and hunger soon after a meal. Over time, high levels ofblood sugar can increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

May increase the effects of antibiotics

In the past, Native Americans used maple sugar to treat infections. One study suggests that this practice may be helpful.

Researchers found that the antioxidants in maple syrup may make antibiotics work better, though much more research is needed to confirm this.


Maple syrup is a natural sweetener made by collecting and concentrating sap from maple trees. While it lacks vitamins, maple syrup is rich in certain minerals, such as manganese. It also has antioxidants that may offer health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and supporting brain health. But, its high sugar content can lead to tooth decay and further health problems for people with diabetes.

Maple Syrup FAQs

Is maple syrup healthier than honey?

Honey and maple syrup are both high-calorie foods and have about the same amount of calories per tablespoon – 64 calories in honey and 52 calories in maple syrup. They're also both high in sugar, with 12 grams in a tablespoon of maple syrup and 17 grams in honey.

Is maple syrup good if you have diabetes?

People with diabetes should look for sugar-free substitutes for maple syrup. Maple syrup can cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Maple Syrup: Is It Good for You? (2024)


How healthy is maple syrup for you? ›

While it lacks vitamins, maple syrup is rich in certain minerals, such as manganese. It also has antioxidants that may offer health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and supporting brain health. But, its high sugar content can lead to tooth decay and further health problems for people with diabetes.

Which is healthier, honey or maple syrup? ›

Both offer benefits in the form of either vitamins or minerals, and both offer protective antioxidant activity. Putting taste aside, as the two have different flavors — honey is more floral while maple syrup is more woodsy — maple syrup tends to be the slightly healthier choice, but we enjoy both throughout the year.

What is the healthiest maple syrup to buy? ›

It is healthier to stick to organic and pure maple syrup – or “real maple syrup” as it is sometimes called.

Is maple syrup good for the stomach? ›

Maple syrup can provide some digestive health benefits, especially in terms of improving gut health. Here's how maple syrup can help with digestive health: Prebiotics: Maple syrup contains natural prebiotics, a fiber that acts as food for beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Is maple syrup an anti-inflammatory? ›

The study looked at how the molecule in maple syrup, quebecol, affected known substances in the human body that relate to inflammation. The experiments showed that quebecol was effective in preventing many of these substances from causing inflammation, further concluding that it is a great anti-inflammatory agent.

Which is healthier, molasses or maple syrup? ›

Maple syrup has a higher sugar content and a lower mineral content than blackstrap molasses, but its sweet taste is more universal. Two teaspoons of maple syrup provide 22 percent of your daily requirement of manganese, a mineral essential to survival.

Does maple syrup need to be refrigerated? ›

Maple syrup should be kept in the refrigerator once it's opened so as to discourage mold from growing on the syrup. Should mold grow on maple syrup, it's safe and easy to remove. Just scoop the mold off the top of the syrup with a spoon and discard the mold.

Is maple syrup bad for cholesterol? ›

Studies have shown that maple syrup can help lower cholesterol levels. This is because the phenolic compounds in maple syrup bind to cholesterol molecules, preventing them from being absorbed by the body. Maple syrup can improve blood sugar control.

How much maple syrup per day? ›

The American Heart Association recommends consuming even less—no more than 25 grams for women per day and 36 grams for men. But regulations about how maple syrup's sugars are listed on Nutrition Facts labels could lead to some consumer confusion.

Is store-bought maple syrup real? ›

If you find a product on the shelf labeled “maple syrup” or "Grade A"—or it lists “maple sugar” as an ingredient—it's the real thing. Those qualifiers tell you the product comes from a maple tree and has a sweeter, more complex taste, a thicker, more luxurious texture, and a higher price.

Does maple syrup go bad? ›

Does Maple Syrup Go Bad? As it turns out, maple syrup does have a shelf life once opened, and mold is not as uncommon as we thought. indicates that 100 percent pure maple syrup should keep for a year unopened in the pantry, a year opened in the refrigerator, and indefinitely in the freezer.

Is maple syrup ok for blood pressure? ›

And like broccoli and bananas, it's a natural source of beneficial antioxidants. Antioxidants have been shown to help prevent cancer, support the immune system, lower blood pressure and slow the effects of aging. Maple syrup is also a better source of some nutrients than apples, eggs or bread.

Is maple syrup good in coffee? ›

Adding maple syrup to your coffee will give it a unique flavor and sweetness that will leave you wanting more. Not only is maple syrup an excellent way to add flavor and sweetness to your coffee, but maple syrup is good for you with naturally occurring minerals and antioxidants.

Is maple syrup good for your hair? ›

Maple syrup contains two essential minerals: zinc and manganese. Zinc is an important ingredient in helping regulate oil production in the scalp, while manganese plays a key role in the development of connective tissues. So, when you ooze on the syrup, you're giving your hair and scalp health a shot in the arm.

Is maple syrup a superfood? ›

Maple syrup has the same antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as green tea, which is also a superfood. Maple syrup offers health benefits, just like blueberries, red wine and tea. Because of its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, maple syrup helps prevent cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

What is the healthiest sweetener? ›

5 Natural Sweeteners That Are Good for Your Health
  1. Stevia. Stevia is a very popular low calorie sweetener. ...
  2. Erythritol. Erythritol is another low calorie sweetener. ...
  3. Xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol with a sweetness similar to that of sugar. ...
  4. Yacon syrup. Yacon syrup is another unique sweetener. ...
  5. Monk fruit sweetener.

What is healthier, agave or maple syrup? ›

Not only is maple syrup more nutritious and less heavily processed than agave syrup, but it can also be used in a wider range of recipes, making for a great addition to sauces, glazes and marinades as well as iced coffees, co*cktails and classic bakes.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.