Maca: MedlinePlus Supplements (2024)

  • What is it?
  • How effective is it?
  • Is it safe?
  • Are there interactions with medications?
  • Are there interactions with herbs and supplements?
  • Are there interactions with foods?
  • How is it typically used?
  • Other names
  • Methodology
  • References

What is it?

Maca, also called Ginseng Andin, Peruvian Ginseng, Lepidium meyenii, or Lepidium peruvianum, is a relative of radish and smells similar to butterscotch.

Maca is a plant that grows on the high plateaus of the Andes Mountains. It's been cultivated as a root vegetable for at least 3000 years. The root is also used to make medicine, but there isn't enough reliable information available to know how maca might work.

People take maca by mouth for male infertility, health problems after menopause, increasing sexual desire in healthy people, and other purposes, but there is no good scientific evidence to support any of these uses.

How effective is it?

There is interest in using maca for a number of purposes, but there isn't enough reliable information to say whether it might be helpful.

Is it safe?

When taken by mouth: Maca is likely safe for most people when eaten in foods. Maca is possibly safe when taken in larger amounts as medicine, short-term. Doses up to 3 grams daily seem to be safe when taken for up to 4 months.

Special precautions & warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if maca is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and stick to food amounts.

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Extracts from maca might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by estrogen, do not use these extracts.

Are there interactions with medications?

It is not known if this product interacts with any medicines.

Before taking this product, talk with your health professional if you take any medications.

Are there interactions with herbs and supplements?

There are no known interactions with herbs and supplements.

Are there interactions with foods?

There are no known interactions with foods.

How is it typically used?

Maca has most often been used by adults in doses of 1.5-3.5 grams by mouth daily for 6-16 weeks. Speak with a healthcare provider to find out what dose might be best for a specific condition.

Other names

Ayak Chichira, Ayuk Willku, Ginseng Andin, Ginseng Péruvien, Lepidium meyenii, Lepidium peruvianum, Maca Maca, Maca Péruvien, Maino, Maka, Peruvian Ginseng, Peruvian Maca.


To learn more about how this article was written, please see the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database methodology.


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  2. Fei WT, Yue N, Li AM, et al. Immunomodulatory Effects of Lepidium meyenii Walp. Polysaccharides on an Immunosuppression Model Induced by Cyclophosphamide. J Immunol Res 2022;2022:1210890. View abstract.
  3. Shin D, Jeon SH, Piao J, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Maca (Lepidium meyenii) in Patients with Symptoms of Late-Onset Hypogonadism: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. World J Mens Health 2023. View abstract.
  4. Lee HW, Lee MS, Qu F, Lee JW, Kim E. Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) on sem*n quality parameters: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Pharmacol 2022;13:934740. View abstract.
  5. Melnikovova I, Russo D, Fait T, et al. Evaluation of the effect of Lepidium meyenii Walpers in infertile patients: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Phytother Res 2021;35:6359-6368. View abstract.
  6. Zhu H, Xu W, Wang N, et al. Anti-fatigue effect of Lepidium meyenii Walp. (Maca) on preventing mitochondria-mediated muscle damage and oxidative stress in vivo and vitro. Food Funct 2021;12:3132-3141. View abstract.
  7. Alcalde AM, Rabasa J. Does Lepidium meyenii (Maca) improve seminal quality? Andrologia 2020; Jul 12:e13755. doi: 10.1111/and.13755. View abstract.
  8. Brooks NA, Wilcox G , Walker KZ , Ashton JF , Cox MB , Stojanovska L. Beneficial effects of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on psychological symptoms and measures of sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women are not related to estrogen or androgen content. Menopause. 2008;15:1157-62. View abstract.
  9. Stojanovska L, Law C, Lai B, Chung T, Nelson K, Day S, Apostolopoulos V, Haines C. Maca reduces blood pressure and depression, in a pilot study in postmenopausal women. Climacteric 2015;18:69-78. View abstract.
  10. Dording CM, Schettler PJ, Dalton ED, Parkin SR, Walker RS, Fehling KB, Fava M,Mischoulon D. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial of maca root as treatment for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction in women. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2015;2015:949036. View abstract.
  11. Lee, K. J., Dabrowski, K., Rinchard, J., and et al. Supplementation of maca (Lepidium meyenii ) tuber meal in diets improves growth rate and survival of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) alevins and juveniles. Aquaculture Research. Feb 2004; 35:215-23.
  12. Zheng BL, He K, Kim CH, et al. Effect of a lipidic extract from lepidium meyenii on sexual behavior in mice and rats. Urology. 2000;55:598-602. View abstract.
  13. López-Fando A, Gómez-Serranillos MP, Iglesias I, Lock O, Upamayta UP, Carretero ME. Lepidium peruvianum chacon restores homeostasis impaired by restraint stress. Phytother Res. 2004;18:471-474. View abstract.
  14. Rubio, J., Caldas, M., Davila, S., Gasco, M., and Gonzales, G. F. Effect of three different cultivars of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on learning and depression in ovariectomized mice. BMC.Complement Altern Med 6-23-2006;6:23. View abstract.
  15. Rubio, J., Riqueros, M. I., Gasco, M., Yucra, S., Miranda, S., and Gonzales, G. F. Lepidium meyenii (Maca) reversed the lead acetate induced-Damage on reproductive function in male rats. Food Chem Toxicol 2006;44:1114-1122. View abstract.
  16. Zhang, Y., Yu, L., Ao, M., and Jin, W. Effect of ethanol extract of Lepidium meyenii Walp. on osteoporosis in ovariectomized rat. J Ethnopharmacol 4-21-2006;105(1-2):274-279. View abstract.
  17. Gonzales, C., Rubio, J., Gasco, M., Nieto, J., Yucra, S., and Gonzales, G. F. Effect of short-term and long-term treatments with three ecotypes of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on spermatogenesis in rats. J Ethnopharmacol 2-20-2006;103:448-454. View abstract.
  18. Ruiz-Luna, A. C., Salazar, S., Aspajo, N. J., Rubio, J., Gasco, M., and Gonzales, G. F. Lepidium meyenii (Maca) increases litter size in normal adult female mice. Reprod.Biol Endocrinol 5-3-2005;3:16. View abstract.
  19. Bustos-Obregon, E., Yucra, S., and Gonzales, G. F. Lepidium meyenii (Maca) reduces spermatogenic damage induced by a single dose of malathion in mice. Asian J Androl 2005;7:71-76. View abstract.
  20. Gonzales, G. F., Miranda, S., Nieto, J., Fernandez, G., Yucra, S., Rubio, J., Yi, P., and Gasco, M. Red maca (Lepidium meyenii) reduced prostate size in rats. Reprod.Biol Endocrinol 1-20-2005;3:5. View abstract.
  21. Gonzales, G. F., Gasco, M., Cordova, A., Chung, A., Rubio, J., and Villegas, L. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on spermatogenesis in male rats acutely exposed to high altitude (4340 m). J Endocrinol 2004;180:87-95. View abstract.
  22. Gonzales, G. F., Rubio, J., Chung, A., Gasco, M., and Villegas, L. Effect of alcoholic extract of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on testicular function in male rats. Asian J Androl 2003;5:349-352. View abstract.
  23. Oshima, M., Gu, Y., and Tsukada, S. Effects of Lepidium meyenii Walp and Jatropha macrantha on blood levels of estradiol-17 beta, progesterone, testosterone and the rate of embryo implantation in mice. J Vet.Med Sci 2003;65:1145-1146. View abstract.
  24. Cui, B., Zheng, B. L., He, K., and Zheng, Q. Y. Imidazole alkaloids from Lepidium meyenii. J Nat Prod 2003;66:1101-1103. View abstract.
  25. Tellez, M. R., Khan, I. A., Kobaisy, M., Schrader, K. K., Dayan, F. E., and Osbrink, W. Composition of the essential oil of Lepidium meyenii (Walp). Phytochemistry 2002;61:149-155. View abstract.
  26. Cicero, A. F., Piacente, S., Plaza, A., Sala, E., Arletti, R., and Pizza, C. Hexanic Maca extract improves rat sexual performance more effectively than methanolic and chloroformic Maca extracts. Andrologia 2002;34:177-179. View abstract.
  27. Balick, M. J. and Lee, R. Maca: from traditional food crop to energy and libido stimulant. Altern.Ther.Health Med. 2002;8:96-98. View abstract.
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  29. Gonzales, G. F., Ruiz, A., Gonzales, C., Villegas, L., and Cordova, A. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (maca) roots on spermatogenesis of male rats. Asian J Androl 2001;3:231-233. View abstract.
  30. Cicero, A. F., Bandieri, E., and Arletti, R. Lepidium meyenii Walp. improves sexual behaviour in male rats independently from its action on spontaneous locomotor activity. J Ethnopharmacol. 2001;75(2-3):225-229. View abstract.
  31. Zheng, B. L., He, K., Kim, C. H., Rogers, L., Shao, Y., Huang, Z. Y., Lu, Y., Yan, S. J., Qien, L. C., and Zheng, Q. Y. Effect of a lipidic extract from lepidium meyenii on sexual behavior in mice and rats. Urology 2000;55:598-602. View abstract.
  32. Valerio, L. G., Jr. and Gonzales, G. F. Toxicological aspects of the South American herbs cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) and Maca (Lepidium meyenii) : a critical synopsis. Toxicol.Rev 2005;24:11-35. View abstract.
  33. Valentova K, Buckiova D, Kren V, et al. The in vitro biological activity of Lepidium meyenii extracts. Cell Biol Toxicol 2006;22:91-9. View abstract.
  34. Gonzales GF, Cordova A, Gonzales C, et al. Lepidium meyenii (Maca) improved sem*n parameters in adult men. Asian J Androl 2001;3:301-3. View abstract.
  35. Zheng BL, He K, Kim CH, et al. Effect of a lipidic extract from lepidium meyenii on sexual behavior in mice and rats. Urology 2000;55:598-602.
  36. Gonzales GF, Cordova A, Vega K, et al. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a root with aphrodisiac and fertility-enhancing properties, on serum reproductive hormone levels in adult healthy men. J Endocrinol 2003;176:163-168.. View abstract.
  37. Li G, Ammermann U, Quiros CF. Gluconsinolate contents in Maca (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon) seeds, sprouts, mature plants, and several derived commercial products. Economic Botany 2001;55:255-62.
  38. Gonzales GF, Cordova A, Vega K, et al. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and its absent relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men. Andrologia 2002;34:367-72.. View abstract.
  39. Piacente S, Carbone V, Plaza A, et al. Investigation of the tuber constituents of maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.). J Agric Food Chem 2002;50:5621-25.. View abstract.
  40. Ganzera M, Zhao J, Muhammad I, Khan IA. Chemical profiling and standardization of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 2002;50:988-99.. View abstract.
  41. National Academy of Science. Lost Crops of the Incas Little-Known Plants of the Andes with Promise for Worldwide Cultivation . Available at:

Last reviewed - 11/28/2023

Maca: MedlinePlus Supplements (2024)


What is the downside to maca? ›

Health Risks of Maca

These include moodiness, cramping, stomach distress, and insomnia. In addition, some women say that maca affected their menstrual cycles. Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use maca as there is not enough information about its safety.

What does maca do for you? ›

Maca is a Peruvian plant that may have various health benefits, such as boosting libido, increasing fertility, boosting energy, and improving mood. It may also help manage menopause symptoms and blood pressure. Maca grows in the Andes mountains.

Is it OK to have maca everyday? ›

Maca is possibly safe when taken in larger amounts as medicine, short-term. Doses up to 3 grams daily seem to be safe when taken for up to 4 months. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if maca is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding.

Is maca safe for kidneys? ›

"While maca is considered to be safe for most people, those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, people with liver or kidney disease should be careful and discuss with their healthcare team," says Sheth. Maca should be avoided in children as it has not been tested for safety in children.

Is maca hard on the liver? ›

Research on Maca's Effect on The Liver

The results of these studies have been positive and maca is regarded as safe for both humans and animals by all researchers and authorities.

Who should avoid taking maca? ›

Special precautions & warnings:

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Extracts from maca might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by estrogen, do not use these extracts.

Does maca raise estrogen? ›

Maca root does not directly increase estrogen levels in women. Instead, it is thought to help balance hormone levels, which can support overall hormonal health and alleviate symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, such as those experienced during menopause or PMS.

Does maca increase testosterone? ›

To date, however, research into maca's potential adverse effects is limited. Note that maca contains iodine. This may be helpful or harmful to a thyroid condition, depending on the type. Summary: Maca root is unlikely to have any effect on testosterone, but it may help to increase libido.

What happens when you stop taking maca? ›

If you stop taking it you should be able to keep what gains you've achieved as long as you continue your training. So, the long lasting nature of the results you get from taking maca really depend on what you are taking maca for.

How fast does maca work? ›

How long does it take for Maca to work? The length of time before you see a positive effect depends on the type of effect you're interested in. That said, various research studies have found noticeable positive effects after 12 weeks of Maca use.

How many times a week should you take maca? ›

The standard dose for maca is 1,500-3,000 mg. Maca can be supplemented by eating maca root or through a maca extract. Extracts should be water or ethyl acetate-based. Maca should be taken daily, alongside food.

Can you overdo it on maca? ›

It's pretty much impossible to overdose. You'll likely be A-okay even if you accidentally put too much maca powder in your smoothie.

What are the drawbacks of maca? ›

Maca root is generally safe for most people, but there is a potential for side effects. “Maca might cause headaches, gastrointestinal issues, insomnia or cause you to feel jittery,” Powers-Parker said.

Can maca have side effects? ›

Side Effects of Maca Root

Consuming a supplement like maca root may have potential side effects. These side effects may be mild or severe. Little is known about the safety and risks of short-term or long-term use of maca.

Does maca root raise blood pressure? ›

The simple answer to this is that it varies person to person. But generally speaking, adding maca root to your diet can lower blood pressure. Various independent research performed on humans since 2006 have indicated that over time maca does lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure numbers.

Does maca cause high estrogen? ›

Maca can stimulate increased estrogen production in some people and should be used cautiously, especially by any woman with estrogen-sensitive conditions or cancers.

Does maca root help with brain fog? ›

Yellow Maca can build long-term mental balance, Red Maca is used to reduce anxiety symptoms, and Black Maca promotes brain function for depression and brain fog. Maca can be a natural alternative for our brain to battle and prevent mental health disorders in both men and women.

How long does it take maca root to leave your system? ›

How long does maca stay in your body after you take it? Some of the compounds in maca may accumulate in your tissues, but the majority of the active components in this root powder pass through your system within 2-3 days.

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