The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Thursday, March 1 1, 1 954 Appteten Poit-Creicen 34 Growers Hear He Fussed Around Composing Room Four From North End of County in March Draft List Ike Will Speak at jCatholic Prelates Columbia May 31 jWill Honor Pope Ellon Beailie Buys House on CunrAl TAiirl plant Expert Once Too Often, Lost His Front Page iBY WESTBKOOK PEGLER I Post-Crescent Oshkosh Bureau Oshkeah Four persons preiidentOn Anniversary Waahmgta back to the back to Eisenhower goes the northern end of Winnebafo State Agriculture Vatican, City High pre tseefie Tiii nlJwr nridiev to I county are immt the 1J persons JUIMWI VUUM New Terk I never worked on rier routes and the corners. That 'management who lived in South-a New England paper, but I have was normal competition, to be em Pines in the winter," Mr. clattered through so many of sure, but the aesthetes of the Tlyna says, "who always insist-those pretty mill-towns with trade always tried to restrain ed that we mail down to him the lates of the Roman Catholic church prepared for services to- Man Talks on Growth, Hec'th of Vegetation speak May 31. The occasion is a prt-convoca from Winnebafo county making up the March induction lift, the selective aenrice office here an (morrow in the uned Sis 1 1 nounced today. vfl- such sordidnesa if meant send-jremainder of our office copy fcl v.

hmmAmA chapel honoring the fifteenth an- Meenaa SanltaUon and ven-jwhit "tP presiding They are Robert J. Cowling, Dwelling in Menasha 4th Ward To Dal Schultz ing a tilation are the two most tM" i that I paper down incomplete, we weu street JournaL He riML foin HouM. mversary of the eoronatipn e-f route 1. Neenah; Lowell A. Hol- They had two editions on the it made no sense to waste a nick- 'verson.

route 1. Larien; Arden B. wm nvwi 1 the health. H. E.

Halllday. assistant! weii iHerbst, route 1, Winneconne; and i Other presidential engagemenU rlU5 aecona announced yesterday: yMr- mne" keeP March 20 dinner of the froa t118 e1'- Register. The one called the Wall el on another whole copy, and street edition was a distillation of the postage was only I cents. It region as at almost Yankee! Post-Crtictnt Oshkosh Bureau chief of the agriculture depart- any Harlan R. Kolodzik, route 1, winneconne.

-All four are lifted aa volun- un TViv ra in reoort at the ment's plant industry division. "'1 ent Oahkosh Elton Beattie, wrier and operator of the Men- monies. A solemn pontifical mass will told members of the Winnebago! reporters county Fruit and Garden Crow- aha Print Shop, haa purchased 'omet here .:30 Monday House News Photographers association and, on the same night, remote control opening of ceremonies in Ripon, commemorating the first meeting of Re be conducted in the chapel Members of the diplomatic corps ac Wall Street Journal whichlusually looked like one of those was cut up into little smitches old-fashioned, acreen-door 1 1 y-and passed across the desk to swatters by the time we got rewrite on the end of John's long'through with It, but he waa con-shears, to be disguised in new tent so the arrangement was not verbiage. unpleasant" I "There was a rich friend of the; One afternoon Mr. Jackson was 'unusually impatient because Mr.

home at 190 Sunset court in: morning for induction into era Monday night. fVl. Tree varieties and a general vm-v credited to the Vatican will attend. Similar services mark i and publicans. and, of course, discussion on plant diseases plant insects highlighted Apra dinner of the to the the Menatha Second ward, ac- armed forcei.

ordlng to a real eitate transfer recorded at the office of Regis- Municipal Engineers ter of Deeds George B. Young durin the last week Issue News Bulletin Bostnn 11 r. American Newspaper Publishers Catholic churches throughout the world, Pegler meeting. In purchasing plants, Mlism Flynn, presiding over page one in New York. rtv Vnut Ma Wrtnrc i.trf.

associaaoa, r- 4. TJ t.nn.aT ha.Hhv R0ftr nlirtv. May 8 Luncheon of Military The pope still was confined to his quarters as he continued a oniut in luiu uu iiui.h; email The first in a aeries" 1 i 'm BI WUMVMU wu aM Washing- Chaplains street in the the League of their stock Inspected byj A notable exception that I PJ- I -jL IJ- at 832 Jefferson Menatha Fourth ton. Wisconsin Municipalities Schultx. He already has moved netring tnA pUDlic WOTt Mction.1 Annual plants and house plants belted a hundred pianos to land- Cat Did DOr into the new home.

w.vr.. Br.n mihii? are not subject to the regulations slow recovery from a gastric disorder. Last yfear at this time, the pontiff was convalescing from a bronchial ailment. Vatican sources said today the noDC is gaining strength and has portant war development I Then It Happened "He would grab at the table to rush it over to the elevator and I would ru it back and yelL I 'No, no- A isn't finished." Finally, he determined not to lose one President in Fine Health, Hagerty Says Another real estate transfer re-! works director. Is chairman.

wasbut perennials are. The same Wnd the UnM in th Fjrst Qne corded within the last week to city engin sjinul'on applied to planttiW.nt to Dartmouthi mide Walter mau or irans- r.rr,. .11 1 that Of some DrODem ine net-Uhrnnohmil th itat tnria. eni uirouan me A statement i increased dailv his consumntion Washington more atrt sal hv thia ana iby Columnist Drew Pearson that foods. They denied a re.

ported from one property to lt went naUve BU writM as Another. Ilnnar hirkrioaf' less delay. So over my cries fcighjpOTt they said had been publish- nah First ward by J. Leslie Sen-j senbrenner. Kimberly-Clark lt0wn of Winchester.

ficiaL to James J. Shlpman. o. Hanson, to The property is located on Michel town of Wincheat- Some states have even eommtnL eomin, blood pressure drew an official ed abroad that a new compile a. the pope's 45- rushed it over to a little elevator which we used to carry the forms tion had arisen rigia inspection rniuucuieun, HalUday said notably Califor Pegler, will give you an idea that1 here i a fellow who really has trouble setting hia fla LaKesnore onve near uie uiicr-aectlon with Wheeler street.

nia, which demands that all planta imported within the comM from in comment today that the president "is in fine health." Pearson had said in a talk at Detroit yesterday that Eisenhower would not seek a second term. He said the president's health was a factor, that he was suffer- ins fiftm i tTri klruid firflllire be inspected at their point of ori day illness. Japan's Diet Studies U. S. Defense Pact Tokle UrW The United States- down to the cellar where they made the mats and castings.

I yelled that the form wasn't even locked, but he gave the table a jfinal shove through the opening, I put my hands over my eyes. iReason tottered. There was a hell A quit claim deeding a property at the corner of Nlcolet boulevard and Washington street owned by St. Patrick's church to the eirv of Menasha also was re Amarillo. Texas VP John Anthony Dillon was 5 years old and he had a cat he loved very much.

She was Grey Lady, a birthday present when he was four. They played hide-and-seek together. The cat slept on Tony's bed at night. LastThursday a car swerved into the yard and hit the cat. It didn't stop.

She crawled to Tony and died in his arms. They buried Grey Lady, but Tony couldn't give her up. Saturday he opened up the grave and cradled her in his arms. After they buried the cat again, Tony told his mother, "I want to go just like Grey Lady did." He did. He was killed by a motorcycle yesterday as he and his mother, brother and sister a 1 me road in Texas, but I have always suspected carpet-baggeryl in his ancestry because he speaks! with the accent of a Bowdoin don gin.

If not accompanied by an inspection report, the plants are destroyed upon arrival he said. County Agent Vernon W. Per- Asked for comment on theJP" mutual defense pact went New England journalism on the 01 a crasn Deiow. ine elevator, Jam er. Menasha Lumber and Fuel company to Norman C.

Kirk and Paul J. Cost, Menasha Fourth ward. H. E. Christoph to Louia E.

Thompson, Neenah Fourth ward. Leslie F. Patton to Jay Joslyn. Menasha Second ward. Roy H.

Zeh to Kenneth C. Fahrbach, town of Menasha. Louis P. Popp to Robert E. Walker.

Neenah First ward. Fred Wentzel to Wayne C. Me-Kee, town of Wolf River. Harold Knipfel to Lyle Erlck-son, town of Vlnland. outKy sam a truii iree pruning whole was so dreary for so long demonstration will be held byjthat there is little lore in this his office Friday morning.

March gaunt and bloodless breed outside. 19. Although the specific spot for Boston, New Haven. Providence the demonstration has not yet! and Bridgeport, been aet, it will probably be in! This is a way of sidling un to to Japan's diet today for ratifies-tvn. Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshi-da's liberal party has predicted the pact will be ratified shortly, perhaps before the end of the month, despite opposition from the combined socialist parties and minor groups.

corded. The land is to be used for street purpoes. Other Transfer Other recent real estate transfers recorded at the office of the register of deeds within the last week, with the ward or township in which the property is located, include: Joseph J. Engel to Mark B. Jorgensen, Neenah First ward.

wasn't there." Hagerty told a news "Were you fired?" nevw comment on Mr. Pear-I "No," Mr. Flynn said. Jackson gave me one awful, "As far as what he says about stricken look. Then he ran to his, the president's health is concern-office, put on his hat and dis- ed, it is completely and entirely appeared.

I -didn't see him again! inaccurate. The president is in for two weeks." 'fine health." the northern part of the county, jan ep'sode of Yankee journalism; comparable to the normal ribal- Teachers, School dries of the wild scamps of Denver from the time of Gene Field down to the day that Damon Gene A. Derus to O. J. Schom- b.j rw.

1 imer. Menasha Second ward. jBWMIU Anna Suess estate to Cather- Neenah About 25 Joseph J. Engel to Morris Neenah First ward. Gaylord Loehning to William Neenah Runyon town- crossed a highway on their way home.

4 Brothers Die in Georgia Tragedy jir M. Dorow, Menasha Second men teachers and members of U. nrrinin. mrrnnn rouini u-j r4 mnt a. journaiiat John T.

Flynn, a professional angry man of high renown, was ..11. Ihe Neenah school board Tues- Scarlet-coatctf man of the AIM: U1DD Davld Chapleau to Wesley JJday night heard Dr. Paul Cun- VI. .4 A innl.lnn nub nil." i.cs ISchmitier. town of Menasha.

ister. an afternoon Dper. about Brneville. Ga. Four neroen a.

juppriuian Frank KJotr to Wesley J.heart diseases at a meeting in Schmltier. town of Menasha. the Club Terrace. Robert F. Huebner to Robert! Harvey Leaman.

principal of the time of World War I and one brothers burned to death, three of of the gentry of the trade. For, them trying to escape the flames John Day Jackson, the nronrie-'that destroyed their home last KBa-kccsa w.r.;sa wsiRuii Ne nah i Kimberly Junior High school, was tor a business man as distin-inight. M. Schwaner, ward. i program chairman.

guished from a consecrated jour am i a arai am ik bps aw sj i i ia ra au aw The youths, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Moore, Rich- nalist, eems to nave bad an eye gave ard, 17; Julian, 16; Winston, 13; land Larry, 10. for a promising colt and him $25 a week. There was a bitterly comic leg-j Mrs.

Moore was sitting up with end in Vermont and New Hamp-an ill neighbor and the father was 1954 Camera Annual Now on Shelves of Neenah Library Jamee C. Bushman, town of Menasha. Marshal R. Bryan to Lovell L. Lorge, Menasha Fourth ward.

Willard J. Schindler to Donald Neubauer, town of Neenah. Alva Grove to Anthony H. Simon, six lots in Menasha Fourth ward. Wilson H.

Percey to George C. Dobberke, town of Vinland. E. and R. Construction company to Harold C.

Nelson, Neenah Fourth ward. S. Raymond Win, to Oliver J. fchommer, Menasha Fourth ward. Fred H.

Kasten to Ray W. Mo-reau. town of Menasha. Arnold H. Gorges to Roger Ut-terht, town of Neenah.

Louis A. Reitz to Clarence Klundt, town of Menasha. shire that the hours were from at work on the night shift at An-ieight to four and the wages mills when the blaze' broke jfour to eight. However, a reporter! out. Ameri-lwas expected to line up a clien-l Two of the bodies were found Archer's Itele of candidates for the city' by a window and one by a door Neenah The new year ar-l rived officially today at the of "Scientific magazine, "The nah Public library.

It did for council, the legislature and the where obviously the three broth- photography fans, anyway, for Craft" by Adrian E. Hodgkin, "New Roads to Adventure in Model Railroading'' by Louis H. county offices and keej theiriers were "trying to escape. The the new S. Camera Annual for 19M" is now on the shelves.

names pleasantly in print 0 r. fourth boy was still in bed. honoraria of $2 to 45 a All the boys were students at Th volume, edited bv Maloney, contains the best pictures of the past year news shots, war, human interest, pic "The Great Iron Ship" byi'ml iranic would noist tne in- ine Miuner scnool near tfteir home James Dugan "Brothers and com scribej in the Potato Creek community. Sisters" by Mrs. Edith G.

NeU-juP to, $20 "nd nobodv thou8ht any ser. "Stillmeadow and less of anyne. In Minnea-, CbngreSSman Bentley torial Just about any type of its bridge" by Gladys Taber, "Far, "Pliers oesK-men goi Far from Home" by Ruth of b'er- groceries' Undergoes Surgery picture is represented on pagea. vj a similar process ana inou sell In art am 1 non-fiction volumes in- Kenny, "Maharani" by Brinda tanH ft mil! r9 I vrr ncfiiricilll' elude "Woodrow Wilson and the of Kaupurthala, "Decorative Id- I. Tr." vJT 'lw Alvin M.

Bentley (R-Mich). Nettie M. Johnson to Norm a Funk, Neenah Second ward. Town of Winchester Thelma Boe et al to Oscar Mi-ehel, town of Winchester. Lorraine Boedges to Oscar Michel, town of Winchester.

Harry Hanson to Oscar Mirhel. eas for Craft and Hobby" by: A seriously wounded when Puerto France. H. Johnson; 'the station ft natic, shot up the house Progressive Era: 1910-1917" by Arthur S. Link, "The Allergic Child" by Harry Swartz.

"Scientific American Reader" by auth- "Town and Country Homes" Mr. Flvnn also reran. th 1, underwent surgery JLeSfrC cinz the untamed fury flLft kJ i.i r.n.utJvAtSS -v SPECTACULAR COLOR if -3 ir-gum lasssamssssseass- Rejulor Admlitlon Pricei! 10 mmmm IjaaLJaaaai with drawings, "Better Homes Hitnr tn i last night. 1 Ideas" published by "Better jven but only at the cost of sa- Tn mrgency operation, per Homes and Gardens" magazine, jiacious gossip. Lean and hungry 10 B-m- t0 New adult fiction includes waifs from Rutland and Manches-'close wound in the abdominal "Walt Long.

Wait Still" by Maud! ter were always siftine into town'11 Uat had come apart, the These Women! ly d'Aleisio Thomas, "Moscow" by Theo- to connect with that lush New congressman's aide, El wood dor Plievier, "The Desparate Haven nav scale. His reiatinn. Brake, said today. pay Brake quoted Dr. Joseph Young, Casualty jospital chief of staff, as saying that Bentley's with Mr.

Jackson conformed to the norm of the class struggle and, in recalling the accident which finally and permanently endeared this captain of industry condition suffered a "slight set' back" as a result of the opera to a perpetually frantic rebel, he tion. Bentley. 35. has been in a ser Hours" by Joseph Hayes, "The Newcomer" by Clyde B. Davis; "The Swift Seasons" by Mrs.

Helen Hllles, "The Holiday" by Constantine FitzGlbbon, "Shadow Guns" by Dan James. "The Blue Chip" by Mrs. Ysabel Ren-nie, "Too Many Cousins" by Douglas Browne, "The Little Yellow House" by Jessie McEwen, "Captain Ramsey's Daughter" by Elizabeth Torjesen. and "You Need a Complete Rest" by Charles Haywood. ious condition since the shooting His liver was hattered by a bul let which also pierced a lung and speaks with a condescending re.

spect. A Fas Bndget Mr. Jackson was always fussing around the composing room, always trying, to rush the paper to press so as to beat the two other evening papers to the car- his stomach. He underwent extensive sur gery in the first 24 hours after the shooting. KSiSreiHHnHKKElKHHiKniHnnnaniniHUnHHS Special Matinee Tomorrow March 12 1 Ntenah Theatre Box Of ict Opens 2: 1 5, Start 2:30 Adults 80c Students 50c Children 35c Tax Incl.

i The Place to Ge in Kaukauna NOW SHOWING (GDgxDtb) NOW 6HOWTNQ 1:11 NOW SHOWING! NOW ON OTJB WIDE SCSEENl AT 1 1 I STOY KHTM) OtORYOf SAHtrXMHOOl Doubla Adventure! SUNDAY. MARCH 14 Music by Edward Schultz Orch. Hora a Whooping Good Timt SILVER DOUE GREENVILLE 1 II a "Keep going, Gaa. My ear is parked right la front of Bay konse!" BURT eSCASTKHTSICSEATCR! LANCASTER ii i UislUhsfyQKttfi PLfg TECHNICOLOR AT it ONLY sw ICUCERIOSA I FLIGHT NURSE NOW THRU 6AT. r-HER HEART WAS SET McCREANji: 2nd FEATURE FISH nd French Fries Every Friday Night CHARLIES Golden Bar Corner and EE vT- Iul she "Tha Quid Man" SUrring JOHN WAYNE MAL'KEEN OUARA BARRY FITZGERALD IB Technicolor Extra: "Open House" IONIIE' eouUIn! 1 mel a m.

-KIS8 MB KATE" riua "SECOND CHANCE" I JOAN LESLIE FORREST TUCKOt Thrilling Complete khow tAi 1:30 We Serre the FiBesi STEAKS CHOPS Cooked to Tear Qrderi CO-FEATURE OUT line Ci- ItTT' ma, Vrteea This Engagement Only Adults $1.29. Student Sec, ChUdreaSSe All Prices laclnda Tax KEEL BEREEN JAIN HALL FREE For All Oe asiont TOWN CLUB tSU N. Richmond l-7ff7 (Union Hail) Delidosa Sanday Dinners jlMlfhty A history i'il! ef PLCS tad AcUqn Bit! PLLS I r. I Pans list tiuitpeuUed for This Engagement Pirates I Matinee Friday, March Poors Open 1: 1 Shew Starts FOR REAL VALUES TRY IHE fOST-CRESCENT CLASSIFIED ADS Restaurant and Candy Shot IN CoUege Ave. 1 f7 I 'r Jfs" -f.

a. .1.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.