Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (2024)

Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (1)

July 19, 2019 (Updated February 5, 2024)

by Anne Mauney, MPH, RD

Gluten Free Vegetarian Main Dishes Salads Vegetarian


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This Quinoa Taco Salad is one of my favorite lunches– it’s so easy to throw into a container on the way out the door.

It also makes a great dinner!

It has a great balance of veggies, fiber, protein, and healthy fat to keep you full and satisfied.

Looking for more ideas? Here are some of my favorite quinoa recipes!

Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (2)

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Before you check out the photos and a loose recipe for this quick and easy meal, be sure to check out the video in this post showing just how simple it is to throw together!

I love a good taco salad.

Anyone else?

But I don’t always want a super meaty, chip-heavy version of taco salad – that definitely has its time and place, but sometimes you just want something a bit lighter and fresher, you know?

Enter: this quinoa taco salad.

Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (3)

Filling and delicious, and with great Mexican flavor, but packed with veggies and light enough to enjoy for lunch without feeling like you need a nap 5 minutes later.

Sign me up!

Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (4)

Quinoa Taco Salad Recipe

This “recipe” is really flexible – feel free to get creative with additions and quantities. No measuring necessary!

Just toss everything together in a bowl (or even in a packable container) and toss to combine.

Then you’re good to go!

No, seriously.

That’s it. 🙂

Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (5)

If it’s too dry, add more salsa.

If it’s not flavorful enough, some salt and pepper and a few shakes of cumin will up the ante – or, add some Mexican-style hot sauce!

Not a cheddar cheese fan? Feel free to use feta instead – either will be delicious!

Check out this quinoa chickpea salad with feta for another tasty grain salad idea.

Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (6)

Looking for more volume and texture variety?

Serve it atop greens – arugula, mixed greens, or baby spinach would all work well here.

Want more healthy fat?

Throw in some avocado (this can also be in place of the cheese, if you’re focusing on a plant-based diet).

Guacamole is also a delicious mix-in option here!

Want a little more tang?

Add a squeeze of lime juice!

Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (7)

While you’re cooking the quinoa – make extra, and try one of these other quinoa recipe faves from my recipe archives:

  • Lemony Spinach Quinoa Bean Salad
  • “Cheesy” Vegan Mushroom Quinoa
  • Comforting Pumpkin Quinoa
  • Vegan Cranberry Quinoa Salad

And for more Mexican-themed deliciousness, check these recipes out:

  • Vegan Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Black Beans (vegan, gluten free)
  • Mexican Lasagna(gluten free if using corn tortillas)
  • Creamy Mexican Chicken Chili Soup(gluten free)
  • Mexican-Style Sweet Potato Fries(vegan, gluten free)
  • (vegan if omit cheese)
  • Mexican Brown Rice Salad Bowl (vegan)

And now, here’s the loose recipe, but again, feel free to get creative.


Quinoa Taco Salad

Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (8)

January 3, 2019 by Anne

ThisQuinoa Taco Saladis one of my favorite lunches. It has a great balance of veggies, fiber, protein, and healthy fat to keep you full and satisfied.

Prep Time5 minutes

Total Time5 minutes



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  • cooked quinoa
  • chopped tomatoes
  • chopped bell peppers
  • black beans, drained and rinsed
  • salsa
  • diced avocado
  • grated cheddar cheese
  • chopped cilantro


Just throw it all into a bowl, mix, and enjoy! Again, the proportions are up to you — it doesn’t have to be exact for this recipe at all, and that’s the fun in it.

Did you make this recipe?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram

What’s your favorite Mexican-themed meal?

Mine is probably tacos, or enchiladas – although I do love taco salad!

- anne

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Healthy Breakfast Tacos Recipe with Avocado Crema
Kale and Quinoa Salad with Soft Boiled Eggs
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  • NYC Fit Girl

    That salad looks delish! Yay for your almost wedding!! Are you going to have someone recap it on the blog?


    • Anne P

      I'll be recapping it myself! But probably not until I have all the professional photos a little while later. I've been debating what to do since I don't want to keep you all in suspense, though. I was thinking I might just post a few initial photos on Sunday, then wait to do my real recaps until I get the official ones back a few weeks later... thoughts?


      • NYC Fit Girl

        I think posting a few initial photos would be nice esp since I am sure you will have bloggers at your wedding and you don't want them ruining the surprise :-)


  • Khushboo

    Great idea, Anne! I've been loving quinoa lunches lately too! My current go-to recipe is quinoa combined with whatever veggies I have on hand, basil, feta, garlic powder, and chickpeas with a drizzle of balsamic! I usually accompany it with a boiled egg or 2 on the side for some extra protein!


    • Anne P

      Sounds delicious!!


  • Melissa @TryingtoHeal

    Quinoa is the best! I lived off that stuff when I was in Peru this summer! The Peruvians have so many varieties and way of cooking it; I can't wait to make them now that I'm at home!


    • Anne P

      When Matt was in Peru hiking the Inca Trail they ate quinoa a lot - he said it's in everything!


  • Grace @ Grace Dishes

    This looks great! I have a half package of quinoa that needs to be used up. Perfect!


  • Sokphal

    Yummy! I'm going to try this! My first attempt at quinoa. Hopefully it won't be a Pintrest moment where it looks better in the picture than it does in real life. :)


  • Renie

    I'm even getting excited about Saturday, Anne. I hope you can have it outside too. What time of day or evening? I hope it is a beautiful day for you.


    • Renie

      P.S. Just looked at The Weather Channel. No chance of rain and partly cloudy and 65 degrees. My kind of weather.


      • Anne P

        Fingers crossed! We're getting married at 4:30 p.m. - think of us :)


        • Renie

          I will think of you, Anne. The 23rd is our 45th anniversary and my husband is taking me to Hawaii.


          • Anne P

            Oooo how fun!!! I've never been to Hawaii!


  • kim@hungryhealthygirl

    Yum! The taco salad looks delicious and super easy. I bet it would be good wrapped up in a tortilla too!


  • Tricia

    I just got back from my honeymoon (alot of blog reading to catch up on) - i was the same as you - we ALMOST got a tent it was party cloudy and chance of rain later. Thank god it didnt' rain until we were all eating dinner - i was paranoid during the ceremony i heard a plane and thought it was thunder. Advice from a bride that got married 2 weeks ago - things are going to go wrong hopefully minor things - I just let it roll off my back - we got married by a priest and rabbi rabbi stepped on my train and ripped the lace there was nothing i could do so whatever... they wouldn't let us take pictures by the water cause some rent a cop said we needed a permit?? we took a couple then left :-( whatever... just let it all roll and focus on your day and you and Matt i'm telling you it's going to go by so quickly. Now that we are back from our honeymoon i feel like i dont' remember my wedding it went so quickly! I keep looking at my pictures on facebook that people posted. Remember to take a step back during the wedding with Matt and look around at everyone and how everyone is there for you and your husband; dancing and having a great time. Take it all in and all the love that is there for both of you. I will do sun salutations for you!!!!


  • Life's a Bowl

    I love adding avocado + salsa + black beans to quinoa [and a dollop of plain Cho] but never have added all of the other ingredients, yum!


  • Sarah @RunFarGirl

    That Quinoa taco salad looks amazing! I love fresh ingredients like avocados and grape tomatoes. So Yum! I'm gonna have to try this one.


  • Julie @ Sweetly Balanced

    Thanks for this recipe!! I just discovered quinoa and am now on a hunt for all recipes to use this in!!! :)


  • Jill K

    Looks delish with all the fresh healthy ingredientsKeeping my fingers crossed for the weather during your wedding -especially since my dress is short sleeves :-)I can't wait.....it's going to be so much fun!!!!


  • ashley

    Looks delish! Where did you find the 90 calorie packs of Justin's? I've only seen the bigger ones. Thanks!


    • Anne P

      I think it was just from Harris Teeter or something random?


  • Adriana

    My first time making a ”fannetastic” recipe..huge success! This was so good!


    • Anne P

      Hooray!! :)


  • Debbie @ Live from La Quinta

    All the foods I love in one bowl! Quinoa, avocado, cilantro...spicy deliciouess. Thanks.


  • Laura Matute

    Hi Ann!Your Quinoa Taco Salad looks great. Just have one problem: we don't get Quinoa here in Venezuela so easily. Yet, want to try your recipe and wonder if it would be too crazy replacing the Quinoa with Cous Cous. Would very much appreciate your feedback on this.Concerning your wedding, I've been following your preparation for such an important event in your life. Must confess that it took me back in time to my own. I must say that Tricia is right, something could in fact go wrong, but anything so bad to ruin the magic of such a happy moment. You will remember afterwards and laugh about it. For instance, we use to hide inside the wedding cake a small piece of jewlery like a charm or medal, tide up to a ribbon. So there will be many ribbons for the single ladies to pull and see who gets the gift. I forgot about that and no gift was tide up to any of the ribbons. It was a short awkward moment but right after I went up to the top of the stairway and threw the bouquet and everybody forgot about it in a blink....lolTricia is also right when saying that it will go by quickly.....yes.....but you will never ever forget your wedding day. It will stay in your memory, every moment, every smile, every glance, every face, just everything, and you will enjoy over and over again. I still do 34 years after.....Crossing fingers for a sunny saturday for you guys. Everything will go just fine.Wish the best for you and Matt. Please post some initial photos. Please do....


    • Anne P

      Thank you for such a sweet comment! That's funny about the ribbons in the cake - oops! :) And I will definitely post a few photos right away on Sunday for a sneak preview!


  • Charlie (The Runner Beans)

    It sounds delicous, could add some corn in there too!! Could always serve in wraps/tacos for a bit more carb loading! Can't wait to see wedding photos! x


  • Adventurer

    Looks awesome -- and full of good stuff! Well done -


  • Min

    4 days till the big day, Anne!! I'll have my people praying for beautiful weather ;). But you know, all the outdoor weddings I've been to (and I've been to MANY) were blessed with PLENTY of sunshine..the most perfect weather you could ever have asked for! Hope you can find comfort in that..hope being the key word ;)The quinoa bowl looks very similar to what I eat almost everyday at school. So easy to carry around and to eat, right? So versatile..other than salsa, you can add soy sauce, salad dressings, citrus juices, sriracha, bbq sauce..i mean sky's the limit here ;).My 7 mo. old nephew tried quinoa for the first time (oh and my sister...she's been eating foods she used to never touch before just so that Noah can be the healthiest baby ever!). They both weren't a fan but give it some time, and I'm certain that they'll come around! Hope you have a wonderful day!!


    • Anne P

      Thanks Min! :)


  • Beth

    Did you eat it hot or cold?


    • Anne



  • Kristen

    We just made this for dinner tonight. It was amazing!! I added a little seasoned ground turkey. My kids ate theirs with some tortilla chips & the hubby and I had it as-is. We have plenty of left overs for lunch tomorrow. I'm so glad to have this recipe!


  • Kathy

    I made this last night for my lunch today. Can I say AH-MAZ-ING??? Sooo good!!


    • Anne

      So glad you liked it! :)


  • Valerie

    Your salad looks delicious! I love that you added the avocado right into the salad. I have made a similar salad (http://doubletherecipe.com/2016/01/20/quinoa-taco-salad/) and served it with some homemade pita chips.Thanks for a great post!


  • Suzie

    Quinoa, I love you so much :)


  • Jordan

    How long does this keep?


    • Anne

      It should keep up to a week in the fridge! Just don't eat it if it starts to smell bad. :)


  • Megan Taylor

    I made it and didn't like it much, but my son liked it. I think I had too much quinoa, maybe not enough tomato, but overall it just was kinda tasteless and uninteresting. I know it's healthy and it looks like I would like it... I was thinking maybe it needed some kalamata olives and/or minced onion to improve taste and texture. Any ideas? It might help to know your portions.


    • Anne

      Hm - sorry you didn't enjoy it! Try adding some salt and pepper, and make sure you add a LOT of salsa - that's basically the flavor adder!


  • Kelli @ Hungry Hobby

    This salad looks DELICIOUS! I'm not a huge fan of beans (I know worst dietitian ever) so I would sub chicken, but I love everything else about it! I especially love the picture with the falling cheese!


    • Anne

      Lol no worries - chicken would be great, too!


  • Roadrunner

    Looks awesome! Will have to try it! Thanks, Anne!


  • Jacqui

    Amazing, this is really mouth watering just looking at the photos. Definitely, would try this weekend.


  • Diana Gish

    Loved it. Added sour cream.


    • Anne

      Glad you enjoyed it!


  • Elizabeth Higgins

    Congratulations on your wedding, on your firstborn, and to a wonderful blog, Anne! I have read your pregnancy diaries apart from the lovely recipes you shared and I am so amazed at how you were able to pull through the 40 weeks. I'm not a mother yet and hope to be one day. I'm just truthfully inspired by your diaries; so thank you so much for that. The pictures of your quinoa taco salad recipe looks mouth-watering and healthy in all aspects; and I can't wait to try this one soon! Do you think it will ruin the recipe if I omit or use a little amount of black beans and add some croutons and feta cheese in? Hoping to get your thoughts on this. Thanks in advance!


    • Anne

      Thank you for this sweet note, Elizabeth! I don't think those changes would ruin the recipe at all - give it a shot and let me know how it tastes! :)


      • Elizabeth Higgins

        Hi Anne, hope everything's working out well for you! I tried doing it my way and it may not look good as yours but substituting feta cheese and croutons did not ruin the recipe at all. So, thank you!


        • Anne

          Great, glad to hear it!


  • Jaime

    This look amazing, and like a much healthier version of the taco salad my mom would make me as a kid! I can't wait to try it


  • Suzanne

    This looks so good! It would be great over a bed of lettuce too!


    • Anne

      Yes, definitely!


  • vanessa

    Thanks for sharing! Does it keep long?


    • Anne

      I always eat it too quickly to test out how long it will last, but you can definitely let it sit for at least a few days in the fridge!


  • Jacob @FlavorThyme

    Looks so healthy and delicious! have you every actually tried making this as a taco before?


    • Anne

      Surprisingly I actually haven't, but that's a great idea!


  • Laura

    Please add quantities so I know how much quinoa to make and how much produce to buy. If I make it and it’s too dry, I’d have to run all the way back to the store for more produce. Yes, it’s a loose recipe but for those of us that rely on recipes because otherwise it doesn’t turn out well, we need quantities.


    • Anne

      Fair enough! I can add some quantities next time I make it. And in the meantime, I have a ton of other recipes on my site, pretty much all of which have quantities/measurements - this is one of the only "loose" recipes on here.


  • Ashleigh Thomason

    Sounds super delicious! I like how you leave it open to customizations. To make it fully plant-based, I think tossing some nutritional yeast in place of the cheddar cheese would achieve a similar taste profile :)


    • Anne Mauney, MPH, RD

      Oo yeah I love nutritional yeast (especially on popcorn - have you tried that?) - good idea!


Quinoa Taco Salad - Quick and Easy Lunch Recipe (2024)


How do you make quinoa taste good? ›

Meat or meat broth works very well. We primarily cook our quinoa in pork broth with bits of leftover pork chop in it, and the rich flavor from the meat tones down the flavor of the quinoa. Strong flavors like onions or spices work too.

What is quinoa good to eat with? ›

Nutty and protein-packed, quinoa doesn't need much dressing up: A simple vinaigrette and some chopped herbs are enough to turn this grain into a hearty side for fish, chicken or meat.

What can you add quinoa to? ›

Easy Ways to Incorporate Quinoa Into Your Diet
  • Add some, cooked and cooled, to your favorite cookie dough. ...
  • I love adding a few tablespoons of cooked quinoa to any tart or pizza dough I'm making.
  • Sprinkle cooked quinoa into your favorite potato salad, green salad, egg salad, or even macaroni salad.

How much quinoa should I eat for lunch? ›

As for how much quinoa per day/meal, for adults, Caito recommends ½-1 cup per meal cooked. “I'm not so concerned with how many times per day, just the portion size per meal.” For children ages 2-13, McAlpine recommends 3-6 ounces of grains daily, depending on age, sex and activity level.

Is it OK to eat quinoa every meal? ›

You can eat one-two cups of cooked quinoa in a day. You should avoid eating it if you experience stomachache, itchiness or vomiting after consuming it. A study by Harvard Public School of Health has reported that eating a bowl of quinoa daily is healthy and without any side effects.

What does quinoa do to your body? ›

The fiber in quinoa can also help with cholesterol and blood sugar levels, lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Quinoa is rich in antioxidants, which can prevent damage to your heart and other organs. A diet high in antioxidants has been linked with a decreased risk of heart disease.

Is quinoa healthier than rice? ›

Quinoa is rich in both fiber and protein, contains a much higher amount of other nutrients, and has a similar fluffy texture to the rice. A cup of quinoa contains twice more protein and about 5 g more fiber than white rice. Quinoa contains fewer calories and carbohydrates than white rice.

Is quinoa meant to be eaten hot or cold? ›

Quinoa can be eaten hot or cold and in savoury or sweet dishes. To get the best out of it, I would suggest that it should be cooked using a liquid that imparts flavour… For savoury Quinoa, I always cook in a well-seasoned stock or home-made vegetable broth.

Does quinoa burn belly fat? ›

It is very healthy due to its plant chemical contents that cause the secretion of appetite-suppressing hormones that curb your appetite. 25. Quinoa: High in protein, quinoa keeps you full with its high levels of plant-based proteins. It decreases your appetite and promotes belly fat decrease.

What is the best time to eat quinoa? ›

Quinoa can be consumed anytime – at breakfast, lunch or dinner. But it is best to eat healthy food like quinoa before going to bed. It induces sleep, because it relaxes the muscles, due to its high magnesium and protein content. “One can eat one-two cups of cooked quinoa in a day.

Is quinoa better for you than rice or pasta? ›

Quinoa not only has more protein and minerals than pasta, couscous, or rice, but it also has a more favorable glycemic index. Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food can make your blood sugar rise and it's an important metric for diabetics. The lower the number, the less a food will raise blood sugar.

What liquid to cook quinoa in? ›

The basic ratio is 1 cup quinoa to 2 cups liquid. You can use water (season it with a bit of kosher salt), or you can use any kind of broth (we like to use low-sodium broths and add any extra salt to the finished dish as needed). You can also add a bit of dry white wine to the liquid for another layer of flavor.

What makes quinoa a super food? ›

Nicknamed a “superfood,” quinoa is a complete source of protein, which means it contains all nine amino acids, and it's also a great source of fiber (it contains more than any other grain) and heart-healthy fats.

How long does quinoa last in the fridge? ›

For a healthier twist on pasta or potato salad, toss cooked quinoa with chopped vegetables, fresh herbs, vinegar and olive oil. Add cooked quinoa to soups, stews and casseroles. Store cooked and cooled quinoa in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days or in the freezer for up to 2 months.

Is quinoa good for lunch or dinner? ›

Quinoa can be consumed anytime – at breakfast, lunch or dinner. But it is best to eat healthy food like quinoa before going to bed. It induces sleep, because it relaxes the muscles, due to its high magnesium and protein content. “One can eat one-two cups of cooked quinoa in a day.

How to cook quinoa for best digestion? ›

If quinoa gives you digestive distress …

Cover and let sit. You can do this in the morning before you go about your day, and it will be ready for you to cook in the evening. Then drain it, wash it and cook it. Just reduce the boiling water to 1½ cups, since the quinoa will already have soaked in some liquid.

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