How to Create and Sell an Ebook (2024)

Ifyou’ve managed your business foranylength oftime, you’ve probably picked upahelpful hint ortwo along your way. And depending onhow helpful those hints actually are, your customers might even bewilling topay forthem.

Ebooks are asimple way foronline merchants tomonetize their knowledge andexperiences bycreating adigital product that can beeasily purchased anddownloaded from their online stores.

Ifyou’re just starting out with digital products, you might not know exactly how toapproach selling ebooks. Inthis post, we’ll walk you through how tocreate anebook, connect you with helpful resources tosimplify theprocess, andget you started down thepath tooffering your very first ebook product inyour online store.

Related: 11Digital Product Ideas That Fit Almost Every Storefront

Five steps toselling anebook:

  • Select aTopic forYour Ebook
  • Write Your Ebook
  • Format Your Ebook
  • Sell Your Ebook
  • Promote Your Ebook

How toSelect aTopic forYour Ebook

The first step tocreating asuccessful ebook istodecide what your ebook will beabout.

Generally, ebooks teach areader how todosomething. Unless you’re anovelist orapoet, you’ll want toconsider how your skills andpersonal experiences could beused toprovide actionable value toyour readers andhow that value can relate back toyour store’s main product offerings.

For example, ifyou sell paper crafts, arelevant ebook tosell online might besomething like: “Affordable DIY home decor with paper crafts.”

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (1)

Tie inpersonal examples from your own life orprojects toadd ahuman element totheactionable advice you’re sharing inyour ebook. Using our paper crafts example again, you could show some oftheways you’ve personally used paper products todecorate your home. This adds relevant context toyour ebook andoffers opportunities forinteresting visuals tohelp illustrate your content.

Before you start writing, besure toreview what types ofebooks— ifany your competitors are offering. Inorder foryour ebook toreally besuccessful, itneeds tooffer something your customers don’t already have from thecompetition. Dosome research around thetopics you’re considering writing your ebook about, then consider how you might differentiate your ebook with new content oraunique angle.

Browse top sellers onAmazon tounderstand readers’ preferences— that will help you tostart selling ebooks that will actually get read.

How toWrite anEbook that Sells

Once you’ve found theperfect topic foryour ebook, use these tips toguide you through thewriting process andcreate anebook that sells.

Focus onahow-to

People often buy ebooks because they want tolearn something. Soastep-by-step approach toyour subject isagreat way tostructure your ebook. Walk thereader through processes, use lots ofexamples, andweave inyour personal experiences whenever itfeels appropriate. Ifyou spell out each step oftheprocess indetail, not only will your ebooks content behelpful foryour readers, but it’ll practically write itself.

Think ofacompelling title

The title will play alarge part inwhether ornot ashopper isinterested inpurchasing your ebook— soit’s important that you take thetime towrite atitle that’s both interesting andattractive foryour target audience. Use concepts like thecuriosity gap, apain point, oradesirable outcome tomake your ebook feel like amust-have.

For example: Ifyou’re writing anebook about canning fruits andvegetables, “How toSave $500AYear onGroceries” would beamuch more compelling title than “The Guide toCanning” because ittempts thereader with amore desirable outcome.

Aswriters ourselves here attheEcwid Blog, we’ve learned that titles beginning with “How to” resonate best with our readers.

Other ways tomake your ebook title more compelling:

  • Provoke: “You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing andWhy ItMatters”
  • Intrigue: “The Man Who Mistook His Wife foraHat”
  • Use repetitive phrases: “Fitter, Happier, Healthier: The Ultimate 4Week Body Transformation Plan.”

Use simple words

Unless you’re writing your ebook onnuclear physics, your writing should probably befairly easy tounderstand.

Ever find yourself re-reading thesame sentence over andover again, but you just can’t ever seem todigest what it’s saying? Chances are, that sentence was either too long, too wordy, orboth.

One universal rule ofwriting toeducate is: themore simply you can state your points, thebetter. Unless you’re apoet oracclaimed novelist (and ifyou are, that’s awesome) it’s unlikely customers will bebuying your ebook tofind out how many big words you know. More than likely, they’re buying based onthepositive outcome promised inyour title. And they’ll want tounderstand andattain that outcome asquickly andefficiently aspossible. (for example, theuse of“on condition that” instead of“if”.)

Tomake sure your writing isunderstandable, avoid theuse ofjargon, acronyms, andanyindustry speak that might beunfamiliar toyour audience. Ifyou’re still not sure whether your writing issimple enough, check out theHemingway App. This handy tool will run your writing through achecker andautomatically highlight words that are too big, sentences that are too long, passive voice, andunnecessary adverbs.

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (2)

Use your intro pages wisely

Most ebooks offer thefirst 10-20pages asapreview toread online forfree. This gives potential customers ataste fortheebook’s content andhelps them decide whether it’s something they might beinterested inpurchasing tolearn more.

Because thepreview can play alarge part inwhether ornot ashopper chooses tobuy your ebook, it’s important touse these pages wisely. Inthefirst 10-20pages, lay out exactly what you’re going tocover inthefollowing pages andwhy readers should care tolearn more. Hook your readers early with agreat value proposition andclosing thesale onyour first ebook should beaneasy win.

Take itslow

It’s easy towant tosprint tothefinish line when you’re writing your first ebook. But don’t rush thewriting process. Instead, try setting anattainable daily/weekly goal forthenumber ofpages orchapters you’re going towrite, then stick toyour goal. And using atool like theFocusBoosterApp orthePomodoro Technique will help you minimize distractions while you write.

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (3)

Ifyou find yourself struggling with writer’s block, don’t linger there. Move ontothenext chapter tokeep theprocess moving, andcome back tothat spot later once you’ve had some time away.

Ifyou’re not sure how toorganize your thoughts, atool like Airstory can help you break down key thoughts into digital notecards that you can visually organize andarrange until you’re satisfied with thestructure andready todive in.

Ifyou’re looking formore tips onwriting your ebook, check out:

How toFormat Your Ebook

Upnext: formatting. When creating ebooks, there are afew design elements tokeep inmind tomake your content more reader-friendly.

Select agood ebook file format

Different e-readers support different file formats. Ifyou want tosell ebooks successfully, you’ll need tomake sure your final file format works foryour customers. Tobesafe, study thedifferences between ebook file formats carefully, andoffer your ebook inseveral formats tomake sure your customers can find afile that works forthem.

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (4)

The PDF isbyfar themost common file format forebooks. PDFs open seamlessly across avariety ofdifferent operating systems, andthey allow readers toeasily access, download, andprint their ebooks from their various devices. And because PDFs don’t require anyspecial software tocreate, they’re great forebook authors too. All you need isaword processor that lets you save PDFs, andyou’re good togo.

Choose afont that’s easy toread

It’s not just thewords you use that make your ebook easier toread. Your font style also plays acritical role increating anebook that’s easy forreaders tounderstand. According toAWAI, san serif fonts are thebest forreading online (simple fonts that don’t include “feet” orflourishes), with Arial, Courier, andVerdana among themost legible. Surprisingly, while Times New Roman was historically thedefault font forword processors, it’s actually theleast preferred font-style byonline readers. AWAI also recommends using afont size of12orlarger.

You may betempted toexpress your creativity through your font choice, but decorating your ebook with non-standard fonts ismore likely toresult inacomplicated reading experience than avaluable differentiator. Soit’s best tostick with proven fonts that are optimized foreasy reading.

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (5)

Abad font choice can ruin areader’s experience

Finally, your ebook should beresponsive tofit your reader’s screen size. This means that your reader will always have anoptimal reading experience, regardless ofwhat screen size your reader isviewing your ebook on.

Use aconsistent color scheme foryour ebook

Whatever color scheme you choose, you’ll want tomake sure it’s consistent throughout your ebook. Select apalette of2-3colors that pair nicely with your company branding, anduse these inyour cover, font colors, headers andfooters, andanygraphics you use throughout your ebook. Ifyou need alittle help selecting acolor palette, tools like will help you find colors that work well together.

Format your ebook foreasy scanning

Eye-tracking studies show that when people are reading onacomputer ormobile device, they typically scan thecontent inanF-shaped pattern.

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (6)

You can format your ebook toaccommodate this behavior byleft-aligning your text andusing short, bite-sized blocks oftext that are easier toscan— like bullet point lists andshort sentences. Whenever possible, avoid long paragraphs that require more than aquick glance toread andunderstand.

Use images inyour ebook

It’s always easier tosell something when itlooks good. Sodoyour best toadd value toyour digital product with exciting graphics andillustrations.

Ifyou already have your own high-quality photography, incorporate itinto your ebook toillustrate steps inaprocess orend results. Ifnot, look forhigh quality stock images tocommunicate your ideas. Sites like Death toStock Photo, Unsplash, andGratisography all offer great stock images that you can use forfree.

Design abeautiful cover foryour ebook

Asthefirst thing your audience will see, agood cover design isimportant. Not only will your cover design help sell your ebook, but it’s also arepresentation ofyour brand. Free tools like Canva let you easily design professional ebook covers using their pre-made templates andstock design elements.

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (7)

Other ebook cover design tools include:

Don’t forget toask afriend orcolleague togive your cover aquick look forafresh perspective before settling onafinal version. Fresh eyes can spot mistakes you might have missed andmight even offer aninsight toturn your good cover design into agreat one.


Before you can start selling your ebook, you’ll need tohave someone proofread itforspelling andgrammar mistakes. Dropping your text into afree tool like Grammarly isgreat forafirst pass andcan usually catch most major mistakes, but nothing beats aset ofhuman eyes reviewing your work (at least forthetime being). Because thelast thing you want todoissend out your first ebook with abunch ofmisplaced commas andapostrophes.

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (8)

How toSell anEbook Online

Ebooks can besold onanynumber ofonline platforms, including Amazon, iBooks, your own online store, Google Play, Fiverr… thelist goes on.

Ifyou’re planning tomake aliving selling ebooks online, you’ll probably want tolist your books anywhere you can. Inthis article, we’ll focus ontwo common ways tosell your ebooks: Amazon Kindle andyour own online store (using Ecwid E-commerce asanexample).

Sell ebooks onAmazon

Ifyou’re afirst-time author, earning money from your ebook onAmazon may take some time. Because ofthesheer breadth ofoptions ontheKindle marketplace, theaverage self-published author only makes around $1,000per year selling onAmazon’s platform. However, thanks toits giant audience, Amazon can still work well asanavenue topromote your brand.

Ifyou plan tosell ebooks toattract shoppers toyour other products andservices, consider offering your first ebook forfree foraperiod oftime. This will help you garner some early attention from readers who might otherwise behesitant topay forabook from anunknown author, andcan beinstrumental insecuring those all-important first reviews. Once your ebook has some momentum, you can flip theswitch tostart getting paid forcustomer downloads.

Selling ebooks onAmazon can befairly nuanced, sotake some time tostudy this topic before launching your first ebook. For example, check out this practical guide from Joseph Hogue: How IMade $1,928Last Month Self-Publishing onAmazon.

Sell ebooks inyour online store

Ifyour e-commerce platform supports selling digital products, one oftheeasiest ways tosell your ebook isfrom your own online store. For example, Ecwid allows customers toadd digital products totheir carts andcomplete thecheckout process intheexact same way they dophysical products. Once thedigital product isordered andpaid for, Ecwid sends anemail tothecustomer with thedownload link.

With Ecwid, there’s nolimit tothenumber ebooks you can sell ortheir respective downloads. Every file can beupto25GB.

Ifyou’re ready tostart selling ebooks with Ecwid, simply follow thesteps below:

  1. Log intoyour Ecwid Сontrol panel andgotothe“Catalog” page.
  2. Click anyproduct toedit itorcreate anew one.
  3. Open the“Files” tab.
  4. Upload thefiles you want tosell.

Need more info? Visit Ecwid Help Center forcomplete details andFAQs onselling digital goods through Ecwid.

Did you know?
With Ecwid, you can sell digital products like ebooks AND physical products andservices from asingle storefront. Use your Ecwid account tosell inyour online store, ashop onFacebook, Instagram, Amazon, eBay, Snapchat, Pinterest, andmore, all while keeping your sales synced inyour Ecwid dashboard.

How toPromote Your Ebook

When you’re finally ready tostart selling your ebook, you’ll need some smart tactics toget theword out. Here’s acouple great ways tobegin promoting your first ebook:

Use social media. Schedule several posts across your social media channels tolet your followers know that your new ebook isavailable forpurchase. And ifyou’re offering itfree foralimited time, don’t forget tomention that aswell!

Guest post. Try tofind some relevant, high-traffic blogs you can guest post ontotalk about topics that are relevant toyour new ebook. Even ifyou’re not pitching your book inthepost itself, you can link out toitinyour bio.

Doapodcast tour. See ifafew podcasts would bewilling tohave you onasaguest toshare alesson ortwo from your new ebook (without giving too much away, ofcourse). This will help build interest with new audiences andoffers another chance toshare thelink inyour bio.

Partner with influencers. Ifyou’re connected with bloggers orinfluencers inaniche that’s relevant toyour ebook’s subject matter, ask ifyou can team uptogive away afew free copies.

Selling ebooks isjust like selling anything else: it’s all about finding effective ways toget your product infront ofyour audiences. And once you’ve found them, keep itgoing. Don’t let your promotional plan fizzle out after thefirst week— put together astrategy that will keep sales rolling inmonth after month through new channels andopportunities.

The main thing toremember istokeep finding new, creative ways toget your ebook infront ofnew audiences. Don’t let your promotion plan fizzle out theweek after release— put together astrategy that will keep sales rolling inmonth after month through continuous new opportunities.

Selling Ebooks: Teach What You Know

From teaching others about your industry andproducts, tosharing your experiences asanentrepreneur, writing ebooks isanopportunity toturn your story into aproduct you can sell.

Does itrequire time andplanning? Ofcourse. What good e-commerce venture doesn’t? But when it’s done right, ebooks can help customers see your brand andyour products inawhole new light— andput afew extra dollars inyour pocket forgood measure. Sowhat are you waiting for? Get started today bycreating your very own online store.

This post was originally published in2017andhas been updated foraccuracy.

How to Create and Sell an Ebook (9)

Reach bibliophiles customers across theglobe andweb with Ecwid. Open astore andstart selling books online today.
Learn more

  • How toMake aProfit Selling Your Old Used Books
  • How toStart aSuccessful Bookstore Online
  • How ToSell Books onAmazon
  • How toWrite, Market, andSell Ebooks
  • How toCreate andSell anEbook
  • 16Best Ways (Websites) toSell Your Audiobooks Online
  • How ToBuild APerfect Website For Selling Your Books
How to Create and Sell an Ebook (2024)


How to Create and Sell an Ebook? ›

Yes, ebooks can be profitable, but success depends on factors such as quality of content, effective marketing, target audience, and pricing strategy. With lower production and distribution costs compared to traditional print books, ebooks have the potential to generate decent profits if properly executed.

Is it profitable to sell eBooks? ›

Yes, ebooks can be profitable, but success depends on factors such as quality of content, effective marketing, target audience, and pricing strategy. With lower production and distribution costs compared to traditional print books, ebooks have the potential to generate decent profits if properly executed.

How much does it cost to create and sell an ebook? ›

A good ballpark for an average eBook would be around $3,000 dollars if you hire freelancers for everything. But, if you have access to some resources needed like existing content, design support, editing support, etc, the total cost can be a lot lower.

How can I make an ebook to sell? ›

  1. Step 1: Plan your Ebook and it's Audience. Who will read your eBook? ...
  2. Step 2: Writing content for your eBook: ...
  3. Step 3: Formatting: ...
  4. Step 4: Editing and proofreading: ...
  5. Step 5: Cover image of your eBook: ...
  6. Step 6: Converting the eBook: ...
  7. Step 7: Compatibility check: ...
  8. Step 8: Adding your eBook to an online eBook selling store:
May 1, 2024

How much money can you make writing an ebook? ›

Ebook Writer Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$120,500$58
75th Percentile$98,000$47
25th Percentile$60,000$29

Can I buy ebooks and resell them? ›

Understand regular resell rights.

If you buy regular resell rights to an ebook, you then own the right to sell that ebook to someone else and receive money for it. In a sense, you are becoming like a publisher. You will offer the ebook for sale on your website, people will buy it from you, and you make money.

What should I price my first ebook? ›

Once the price goes above $2.99, you can set the royalty to 70%. You might get fewer readers, but not as many less as you might think. Therefore, the best price for an ebook is between $2.99 and $9.99-in that range, you're eligible for the highest royalty percentage of 70%.

How many pages should an ebook be? ›

There are no official guidelines for the number of pages when it comes to publishing ebooks. However, consider the average ebook length of 50-100 pages and Amazon's eBook list price if you're planning to sell on Amazon Kindle. Ultimately, your ebook length will depend on the niche that you're writing about.

Do you need to pay to publish an ebook? ›

Do you have to pay to publish a book? No, you do not have to pay a publisher to publish a book. You do have to pay for editing, cover design, and marketing.

How to sell eBooks without copyright? ›

Identify possible publishing platforms.

You upload your electronic file and they convert it into an eBook. You then include information about the book and choose a sales price. If you choose not to go through one of these platforms, then you'll need to create your own eCommerce site and fight for visibility.

What is the best platform to sell eBooks? ›

Here's a list of some of the best ebook platforms.
  • PublishDrive. PublishDrive is an aggregator with many ebook publishing services to support authors in every stage of their self-publishing journey. ...
  • Ingram. ...
  • Amazon. ...
  • Kobo. ...
  • Barnes & Noble. ...
  • Apple iBooks. ...
  • Google Play Books.
Mar 24, 2023

What genre of books sell the most? ›

Fall in Love with Romance

Through the years, romance continues to be the most popular and profitable book genre. How well does it do? The romance world rakes in $1 billion a year, covering a third of the entire fiction market. From an outside perspective, this best-selling genre is also considered easier to write.

How much does Amazon pay per ebook? ›

Public domain eBook sales pay a 35% royalty. If you also have a physical edition (e.g., a paperback), the list price of your eBook must be at least 20% below the price of the print edition in order to qualify for the 70% royalty.

Are ebooks still profitable? ›

Is it profitable to sell ebooks? Yes, but not everyone makes a profit when selling ebooks. In 2022, Amazon KDP released a report saying that the number of independent publishers earning $50,000 or more increased by 40% between 2020 and 2022.

How much can I sell an ebook? ›

Once the price goes above $2.99, you can set the royalty to 70%. You might get fewer readers, but not as many less as you might think. Therefore, the best price for an ebook is between $2.99 and $9.99. In that range, you're eligible for the highest royalty percentage of 70%.

Do authors make less money from eBooks? ›

eBooks bring in more royalties than print books, so you may find a lot of self-published authors only offer that format. (Did you know you can buy my books, directly from my website?) Most self-published authors will publish on Amazon via Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) at a minimum.

What sells more books or eBooks? ›

At a Glance: Books vs. eBooks. The global paper books market will encompass around 1.87 billion readers by 2027, while e-reader users are expected to reach 1.2 billion. The U.S. market demonstrates a continued preference for print books with 788.7 million units sold in 2022.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6199

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.