High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (2024)

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A few years ago, Riot made an effort to diversify the Jungle meta, introducing bonus damage against monsters or non-epic monsters mechanics into the kits of various mages and assassins. It should come as no surprise that hell quickly broke loose, as the Jungle became the absolute wildest role in the game for a couple of patches.

After a few balance changes and enough time for the players to realize that Brand Jungle wasn’t the best idea, League of Legends has seemingly returned to normal, as the meta stabilized.

However, one of those champions still retained its Jungle clearing capabilities, and despite being rarely seen in any other position but Support, Morgana is still a more than viable Jungle pick, ready to torment any AP-oriented enemy.

Despite her slightly linear kit, the Fallen can drive her opponents mad even from the Support role, where her impact on the game is felt only in the Bottom lane during the earlier stages. As a Jungler on the other hand, Morgana can influence all three lanes, bringing her root, spell shield and consistent DPS to whoever needs it the most.

After all, there is a reason why she has an impressive 23.53% ban rate across all ranks and regions, so why keep her tied to the Bottom lane?

Stay tuned!

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Table of Content

Summoner Spells

Flash + Smite

Flash offers Morgana plenty of utility, allowing her to perform Flash + Dark Binding (Q) or Soul Shackles (R) combos, which are rather important, meaning that no other Summoner Spell is worth taking over Flash.

Morgana Runes

High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (1)

Morgana Jungle was traditionally played with either Dark Harvest or Predator as the keystone, followed by Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter or Ravenous Hunter respectively. This path is rather standard, relying heavily on the Dark Harvest stacks, which can often times be a double edged sword.

The secondary picks would usually be Transcendence and Gathering Storm, which are rather powerful to this day.

However, with the freshly reworked Runes, another keystone option has started taking over the meta, working flawlessly with Morgana’s kit.

Glacial Augment

With the newly reworked Glacial Augment, Morgana players can further enhance Dark Binding’s (Q) utility, allowing for some very effective subsequent Runes to pair it with.

After Glacial Augment, go for Perfect Timing, as it provides an early stopwatch, essential for your Zhonya’s Hourglass, followed by Biscuit Delivery and Approach Velocity or Cosmit Insight.

For the secondary picks, players can choose between going Cheap Shot and Ultimate Hunter, or perhaps with the Manaflow Band and Gathering Storm picks.

This second Rune set is aimed at providing as much value and utility as possible, enabling players to build early leads from scratch, thus we’ll advise our readers to try this one first.

Morgana Items

High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (2)
  • Starting Items: Hailblade + Refillable Potion
  • Mythic Item: Liandry’s Anguish / Everfrost
  • Core Items: Sorcerer’s Shoes, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Mejai’s Soulstealer
  • Finishing Options: Demonic Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Shadowflame

The current item meta for AP casters offers a couple of build paths, focusing either on massive burst damage, through magic penetration items, or on slow-paced DPS, through items such as Liandry’s and Demonic Embrace. Morgana’s W can deal a lot of damage once she has a couple of items completed, having great synergy with this second, DPS-oriented build.

In terms of Mythics, the go-to option is without a doubt Liandry’s Anguish, but Everfrost does provide an important advantage. Morgana’s entire combo relies on landing the Dark Binding (Q) ability, in order to position the Tormented Shadow (W) accordingly. Everfrost’s active can help players in landing that first Q, as it can either root or slow the enemy targets, setting up a successful Binding. Thus, until players perfect their Qs, building Everfrost could be a wise move in order to improve their in-game performance.

The rest of the build is rather standard, with Zhonya’s Hourglass being an essential item, along-side Mejai’s Soulstealer. Demonic Embrace and Rabadon’s Deathcap focus more on the late game, allowing Morgana players to burn through the Health bars of even the sturdiest enemies.

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Skill Order

High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (3)

W > Q > E > R

Since W is your primary source of damage against the Jungle monsters, it is also the first ability you’re going to be maxing out, followed by Q.

The Best Jungle Paths for Morgana

Playing Morgana Jungle may sound slightly more challenging, as opposed to some more traditional Junglers, but truth to the matter is, this champion pretty much plays itself, with one slight side-note. Against multi-mob camps, it can be a bit difficult to land your Dark Binding (Q) on the right target, which is usually the larger mob of that camp. For this reason, make sure to first position yourself accordingly and aim your Q, without starting the camp first.

We are going to cover the most advantageous starts from each side, but players should keep a few factors in mind when deciding upon where their Jungle pathing should start. These are:

  • Which laners are going to provide more help in clearing the first camp?
  • Counter-jungle opportunities, based on where the enemy Jungler is likely to start.
  • Which lane would you like to gank first, depending on both the allied and enemy champions.

In a nutshell, Morgana wants to drain the Jungle camps’ HP through her W, using Q mostly to keep larger mobs such as the Buffs or Gromp at a safe distance. When it comes to ganking, the Fallen wants to land her Q in nearly all scenarios, rapidly dropping her Tormented Shadow (W) underneath the rooted enemy.

1. Red Side, Red Clear

High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (4)

Kicking things off with the Red Side’s Red Buff, Morgana players will want to clear Red as quickly as possible, enlisting the assistance of their Top Laner in the process. Kiting the Buff may not be the easiest, as you want to keep it standing on your W, but as soon as it disappears, you will have to kite the mob in order to save as much Health as possible.

The second camp on the list is the Krug camp, which Morgana can clear rather easily. Drop your W so that all of the monsters are standing on top of it, using Smite on the largest Krug to regenerate some Health and to fasten your pace. You can hold on to your Q until the large Krug breaks apart and only cast it on one of the newly spawned ones.

From there, head towards your Blue Buff, stopping on the way in order to clear the Raptors and Wolves. Both of these camps are going to essentially melt thanks to the Tormented Shadow (W), allowing you to land one more Q on the larger monsters as soon as the smaller ones go down.

Once at the Blue Buff, keep a safe distance and cast your W + Q combo, basic attacking it before it can reach you. Once the Blue Buff drop below the 450 HP threshold, cast Smite in order to execute it, regenerating some Health and saving time.

As for the last camp residing in your Jungle, turn your attention to the Gromp, which is once again going to be one of the easier camps to slay. Repeat the same process as with the Blue Buff, allowing your W to slowly melt it down, while you are basic attacking from a safe distance.

Once your sixth camp has been secured, it is time to make your way into the River, trying to get one more camp before ganking. If the Scuttler is still up, break its shield by rooting it with your Dark Binding (Q), allowing your W to take down most of its HP, before finishing it with auto-attacks.

From this position, you are free to gank Mid or Bot, depending on which lane offers a better angle for you to land your Q from, and reset afterwards to pick up your Dark Seal.

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2. Red Side, Blue Clear

High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (5)

Choosing to start from the opposite side of your Jungle when playing Red Side is going to prove rather benefic, as the added assistance of one more ally will have a significant impact on your first clear.

Secure Blue and shift your attention towards the Gromp, which you will be slaying with the use of your W + Q combo, paired with basic attacks and lastly Smite, once its HP goes below the threshold.

As your third and fourth camps, you will once again be facing the Wolves and Raptors, allowing you to comfortable clear those using Tormented Shadow’s (W) DPS. It is worth mentioning that if your Health drops dangerously low, you are free to use the Refillable Potion whenever needed.

Having cleared the Wolf and Raptor camps, make your way to the Red Buff and secure that one as well, using the same W + Q combo, making sure to kite it once the root expires. The second charge of your Smite should also go down on the Red Buff, saving you some Health and time.

To finish your first full clear, head towards the Krug camp and shred through it with W, killing each mob systematically. Once that’s done, enter the River to check if the Scuttler is still up.

If available, secure some extra gold, experience and vision for your team by taking down the Scuttler, before looking for an angle on either Top or Mid.

3. Blue Side, Blue Clear

High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (6)

Allow us to now transition to the other side of the Map, in order to discuss the Blue Side’s starting positions, beginning with the Blue Buff. We must note that there aren’t any significant differences between routes on different sides, as the optimal clearing routes mimic each other.

Start by securing your first Buff, the Blue, leveraging the assistance of your Top Laner as much as possible in the process. Hold on to your Smite once more, as it will be required at the next camp.

After slaying Blue, attack the Gromp and finish it quickly using the standard W + Q combo and basic attacks until it drops below 450 Health, allowing Smite to execute it afterwards. This will leave players with full HP bars, ready to take on the multi-mob camps on their way to the Red Buff.

As mentioned, head towards Red, stopping at the Wolf and Raptor camp on the way there, which are rather easy to secure. The Refillable Potion stands as an added safety net if feeling unsafe in terms of HP loss, but more often than not it isn’t the case to worry.

Once at the Red Buff, use the standard combo to and kited basic attacks to take it below the Smite threshold, allowing the Summoner Spell to execute it, before heading towards the Krugs.

For the Krug camp, allow your kit to do most of the work for you, enabling you to check on the Bottom side Scuttler as soon as possible. If it hasn’t been taken by the enemy Jungler, secure it and make your way towards Mid or Bot in order to set up a gank through your Dark Binding (Q).

4. Blue Side, Red Clear

High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (7)

Lastly, the Red Buff start from the Blue Side is once again going to be advantageous in terms of the early help you’re going to be receiving. Make sure to get the best out of this extra bit of momentum by converting it later on into repeated ganks, but for now, simply secure Red and make your way to the Krug camp, using Smite to secure the larger mob, burning the rest down with W.

From there, you will be headed towards the Blue Buff, but players are expected to make a stop at the Raptor camp and at the Wolf camp in order to have a full clear. Those should not pose a threat, as Morgana’s kit will be doing most of the work for you.

Once at the Blue Buff, apply the same principles as before and invest your second Smite charge into it, before turning your attention to the Gromp, as the final camp of your Jungle.

After you’re done with securing Blue and the Gromp, all that is left to do is to step into the River to break the Scuttler’s shield with Q’s root, taking it down in the process. Now you are left in a position to find an angle to gank from on either Mid or Top.

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Tips and Tricks

  • You do not have to initiate the ganks with Q every time. If the lane is pushing in towards your allies, simply walk up to them and allow the Black Shield (E) to absorb any crow control they’d aim at you, casting Q only when you get the right angle.
  • Black Shield (E) is one of the most iconic defensive abilities in the game, and good players will always try to cast it on the ally who needs it the most. Commonly, this will be your tank or engage tool, but if the enemy team jumps on yours, the carries are the ones you should be keeping safe.
  • As tempting as it is to Flash + R into the enemy team, always account for the value of your Mejai’s stacks, even if you have Zhonya’s. Indeed, once your second item has been completed you can start going in a bit more aggressively, but this does not mean that you always should.
  • Finally, since your Q provides so much utility, emphasize on having vision all-across the Map, especially around chokepoints and the Dragon or Baron pit. Landing a seemingly random Q can easily convert into a free pick, winning you the objective.

Finalizing Thoughts

As you could have notice, Morgana prefers going for a full clear every time, in order to build up some gold to play with until she reaches her Zhonya’s and Dark Seal. The reason is, not many players will be landing their Qs on a consistent basis, thus it is safer to gain gold from farming the Jungle than to invest the same time into the lanes early on, where your efforts are not that likely to convert into anything. Once you hit LVL 6, on the other hand, your ganks will start becoming much more oppressive, as you can simply walk up to your enemies and cast R.

In the late game, Morgana aims at finding wild Qs, shielding her allies accordingly with E, and overall dealing a lot of damage to the rooted enemies using her W. The Fallen’s ultimate is most effectively used in tight spaces, combined with the Zhonya’s Hourglass in order to save the Mejai’s stacks.

These being said, we will not conclude our guide on Morgana, urging all of our readers to check back to our website, where we regularly upload more League of Legends content!

High Elo Morgana Jungle Path – The Best Jungle Routes, Build and Clearing Guide (2024)
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