4 Career Goals Statement Examples You Can Learn From (2024)

Imagine that it’s a Monday morning, and you’ve just arrived at the office. You sit down at your desk, ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Now, tell me this: What’s on your mind?

Are you thinking through the meetings on your schedule? The emails that need to be answered? The tasks that must be completed that day? All of the above?

If so, you aren’t alone. Our workdays are busy, which means our minds are often consumed by what’s right in front of us. We take things day by day.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with that (after all, that stuff does need to get done). But here’s the problem: It’s far too easy to become overwhelmed by those immediate things, that we neglect to zoom out and get a broader view of what we’re actually working toward (beyond completing that day’s to-do list).

This is exactly where a career goals statement comes in handy. It reminds you of your main objective and gives you a greater sense of direction. So let's look at some career goals statement examples!

4 Career Goals Statement Examples You Can Learn From (1)

What exactly is a career goals statement?

As the name implies, a career goals statement is your personal vision for the future of your career. Think of it as the ultimate target that you’re aiming toward.

For example, perhaps you’re currently employed as a marketing analyst, but your long-term career plan is to start your own marketing agency that primarily serves software clients. Or maybe you’re interested instarting a small businessin a different field. Your career goals statement should formally document that objective.Your career goals statement should formally document that objective.

What exactly is meant by “formally document”? Put simply, your goals statement should be written down—it’s not just something that lives in the back of your brain. We’ll talk more about why that’s important soon. But with all of that in mind, here’s what that career goals statement could look like:

I will start my own agency that provides an array of marketing services to clients in the software industry by the year 2025. I will accomplish this by maximizing any marketing position I fill in order to refine my skills, getting involved at community and social events to strengthen my connections, and scheduling informational interviews with current agency owners.

Many graduate schools actually require that a goals statement (otherwise referred to as a personal statement or statement of purpose) or a similar essay be submitted with a student’s application materials.

However, for the sake of simplicity, we’re going to focus on career goals statements that are used personally—for people who want to formalize their objectives and increase their understanding of what they’re working toward in their careers.

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Why does your career goals statement matter?

At first glance, a career goals statement might seem like an unnecessary formality. But make no mistake, working on your own career goals statement comes with several benefits.

1. It forces you to ask yourself the hard questions

Chances are, your average workday is full of questions. Should you do this or that first? Where’d you put that important file? What should you grab for lunch? Do you have time to snag another coffee ahead of that meeting?

Yes, you’re asking yourself plenty of questions—but you probably aren’t taking any time to reflect on the really important ones. When’s the last time you’ve checked in with yourself about things like:

  • What do you envision for your career in another 10 years?
  • What more can you do to work toward that vision?
  • What tasks or projects make you feel most fulfilled?
  • What tasks or projects make you feel most drained?

Those are exactly the types of questions you’ll need to answer when creating your own career goals statement, and that chance for reflection is valuable for ensuring you don’t get caught up in the minutiae of your day-to-day.

2. It gives you a sense of direction

Have you ever felt sort of rudderless in your career? Like you were just clocking in and out each day for nothing more than a paycheck?

This is another benefit of creating your own career goals statement: It breaks you out of the monotony, dangles a carrot in front of your face, and renews your sense of motivation.

That’s because, as the Goal-Setting Theory explains, goals themselves are incredibly motivating. You feel much more inspired to get to work when you actually have a clear idea of what you’re working toward.

Additionally, focusing on the end game allows you to get a stronger grasp on what skills you’ll need to develop or refine in order to make that goal a reality.

3. It increases your accountability

There’s something almost intimidating about writing your goal down, isn’t there? You’ve documented it—it’s real, and now there’s a greater sense of accountability.

As frightening as it might seem, that’s actually a positive thing. Research shows that people who are able to vividly picture or describe their own goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to actually achieve them. What better way to get that clarity than by writing that objective down?

Plus, doing so will help make that goal stick. Other studies show that writing things down improves your memory of them.

5 tips to write your own career goals statement

A career goals statement offers numerous benefits. But what do you need to know to write one for yourself? Let’s cover five tips you should put into play.

1. Invest the time in reflection

Remember when we talked about the opportunity for self-reflection above? Before jumping right in with scribbling down your career goals statement, make sure you actually take the time to do that

This will help you avoid setting a goal that you think you should have and instead focus on one that you want to have.

That’s the most important piece of a goal: It should be something that you actually want to achieve. Setting one only because you think it’s expected of you ultimately won’t do you any good.

2. Get specific

In order for a goal to be impactful and provide the necessary sense of direction, it needs to be specific. Something general like “climb the ladder” or “earn more money” is too ambiguous to ignite any motivation.

When establishing your career goals statement, try using the SMART goals framework. Here’s what that stands for:

Specific: Clearly state what you plan to accomplish (i.e. “start my own marketing agency focused on software clients”).

Measurable: Similarly, outline what your benchmark for success is so that you know when you’ve actually achieved your goal.

Achievable: You don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment, so make sure that your goal isn’t so lofty that it’s unattainable.

Relevant: Ensure that what you want to accomplish is actually relevant to you (this is where that self-reflection really comes in handy!).

Time-bound: A goal is nothing without a deadline for when you plan to achieve it by. Your career goals statement should be somewhat long-term (and not something you want to accomplish by next week). But “long-term” can mean six months to some people and 20 years to others. Get clear on exactly when you want to reach this objective.

3. Use confident language

Your career goals statement isn’t the place for wishy-washy and noncommittal phrases. There’s no starting with, “I really want to...” or “I really hope I can…”

Open your career goals statement with a certain and confident, “I will.” Not only does that phrase further remove any ambiguity, but it also gives you a nice nugget of encouragement whenever you refer back to it.

4. Develop an action plan

Setting a goal is a great start, but setting a finish line for yourself means nothing if you don’t understand what you’ll do to cross it.

The latter part of your career goals statement should outline the steps you’ll take to accomplish that goal. This gives you a roadmap that you can follow, rather than just saddling yourself with an objective and feeling clueless about how to get started.

5. Be flexible

Here’s one more thing that’s important to recognize: Goals change. Of course, the very purpose of your career goals statement is to give yourself something long-term to work toward, but that doesn’t mean it’ll always be set in stone.

What if after talking to some other agency owners you decide that business ownership really isn’t for you? Or what if you have personal circ*mstances come up that require you to remain in traditional employment for a while—meaning the 2025 deadline is no longer realistic? Or what if you achieve your goal and need to come up with a brand new one?

Whether good or bad, these things happen, and you need to be flexible and willing to roll with the punches.

If and when your goal shifts, don’t completely trash or delete your previous goal. Instead, keep it and write an entirely new one. It’s interesting to see how your objectives evolve over time, and that progression can actually be quite enlightening and motivating.

4 Career Goals Statement Examples You Can Learn From (2)

Get inspired: 5 career goals statement examples you can learn from

Nothing helps provide some clarity like a solid sample. So with all of the above tips in mind, let’s take a look at a few different career goals statement examples that you can use as inspiration for writing your own.

Career goals statement example #1:

I will be promoted to a Project Lead at CompanyXYZ within the next five years. To do so, I will refine my project management skills, obtain my PMP Certification, and express my desire for growth and advancement to my current supervisor.

Career goals statement example #2:

I will land a job as a Data Analyst at a large financial institution by the end of the year. To accomplish this goal, I will improve my skills in Excel and PowerQuery and connect with other Data Analysts in my network to find out more about their job search processes.

Career goals statement example #3:

I will foster a positive reputation and secure a public speaking gig for a session of over 300 attendees within the next calendar year. I will do this by continuing to refine my public speaking abilities and networking with conference planners in my industry.

Career goals statement example #4:

I will pursue and complete a career change from a Graphic Designer to a Web Developer within three years. To make this happen, I will return to school to get my Associate Degree in Web Development and complete online courses that cover all of the major programming languages.

Career goals statement example #5:

I will gain a Certified Public Accountant license within a year. In order to achieve this, I'll create a study plan and I'll take a CPA exam review course. I'm going to study each day for 2-3 hours after work to pass the CPA exam.

What should you do with your career goals statement?

You did it—you implemented the tips and followed the examples, and now you’re equipped with your own career goals statement. Uhh...now what? What do you do with it?

Keep it somewhere safe. Better yet, keep it somewhere you can easily accessible so that you can refer to it whenever you need a gentle reminder of what you’re working so hard for.

Whether you had a bad day or just need to be encouraged that your career is about so much more than churning through your daily to-do list, your career goals statement will help you step back and get the perspective that’s so easy to lose sight of in your everyday life.

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4 Career Goals Statement Examples You Can Learn From (2024)


4 Career Goals Statement Examples You Can Learn From? ›

“What are your career goals?” sample answer: I envision myself as a strong communicator, and I'd like to be selected to help with our team's presentation during the next annual report meeting. I've been writing monthly progress recaps and distributing them on our team's Slack channel to build my skills.

What is an example of a career goal statement? ›

“What are your career goals?” sample answer: I envision myself as a strong communicator, and I'd like to be selected to help with our team's presentation during the next annual report meeting. I've been writing monthly progress recaps and distributing them on our team's Slack channel to build my skills.

What is your career goal in one sentence? ›

The best way to answer this question is to be specific and give a concise overview of the next goal you've set for your career. For example, if you're looking to move into leadership, you could say: I'm looking to become a team leader within the next five years.

What is an example of a goal statement? ›

I am always looking for a way to improve our family life. Gaining knowledge, skills, respect and income is a definite step forward for my life and career.

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Career Objective Examples

Seeking an entry-level position to begin my career in a high-level professional environment. To obtain a challenging and rewarding position in a dynamic organization where I can utilize my skills and experience to contribute to the growth and success of the company.

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Possible answers

"One of my life goals is to gain valuable industry knowledge and experience. As this is an entry-level position, I hope to work for the company to gain new skills and develop an idea of how I can contribute to the organization." "One of my life goals is to serve as a role model for those I'm managing.

How do I describe my career goals essay? ›

In addition to having a distinct theme, your career goals essay should achieve the following: Highlight specific career achievements. Choose from your most notable or defining experiences. These could be related to your work, community involvement, or extracurricular activities.

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7 steps to set and achieve career goals
  1. Explore the possibilities. You may be someone who has known for a very long time exactly what occupation you aspire to. ...
  2. Compare options. ...
  3. Establish short-term goals. ...
  4. Establish long-term objectives. ...
  5. Write SMARTER career goals. ...
  6. Be flexible and measure your progress. ...
  7. Write down your goals.

How to write a professional goal statement? ›

What are some basic tips for writing a professional goals statement? Be concrete and specific, your examples should demonstrate your strengths and the reasons for why you are a good “match”. Do not exaggerate or make things up. Your writing should be centered on one common theme or thesis.

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A career goal is a target and target gives a person a compelling reason to achieve it. Similarly, if the career goal for a student is set already, he/she can get a proper direction in their life. Additionally, the person will strive hard to accomplish the task and thereby reach the target.

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Describes your career and experience so far; Highlight your transferable skills and personal attributes; Note qualities of work you most value and enjoy; and. Indicate your future career interests and direction.

What are four types of goals and give examples? ›

There are four distinct types of goals – outcome goals, process goals, character goals, and learning goals – each of which have their own unique differences and importance. 🎯 Outcome Goals are those that focus on an end result such as getting a promotion or losing 10 pounds.

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Three types of goals
  • Time goals are the ones we refer to as short-term or long-term. ...
  • Focus goals remind me of a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal). ...
  • Topic-based goals can be personal, professional, career, and financial.

What is a good goal statement for a resume? ›

A good objective statement tells the hiring manager the goal of your resume. Here's an example: “An experienced social media manager with a proven track record of measurable results. I'm aiming to work for a brand focused on social justice initiatives.”

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"To improve the wellbeing of people and businesses throughout the world." "To treat everyone I encounter with love and compassion." "To use my gifts and talents to improve the lives of others." "To create innovative technology solutions that will improve the lives of people around the globe."

How do you write a summary of your career goals? ›

How to write a career summary and goals for your portfolio
  1. Reflect on your career goals. ...
  2. Describe who you are as a professional. ...
  3. Include your areas of expertise or skills. ...
  4. Outline your professional goals.
Jun 24, 2022

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.