15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (2024)

Home Recipes Techniques

ByLauren Cahn

Taste of Home's Editorial Process

Updated: Jul. 19, 2022

    Whether it's your flavors that seem a bit off track, or your texture, temperature, or color, you don't have to toss your dish into the trash! Instead, try one of these easy fixes.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (1)

    Syda Productions/Shutterstock

    Your dish is too salty

    First, let’s dispense with what doesn’t work, which is throwing a potato into the dish to soak up the extra salt. Instead, simply add more of everything else. So, if it’s soup, add more liquid. If it’s stew, add more vegetables or meat (browning them first works even better). Once that salt is diluted, your dish should be back on track.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (2)

    Shutterstock / AS Food studio

    You made a dish too sour

    Sourness comes from acidic ingredients (including tomatoes, wine and vinegar). If your dish tastes too sour try to add sweetness—think sugar, honey (it’s healthy!), cream or even caramelized onions. You can also dilute the dish (same as you would with a dish with too much salt). As a last resort, add a pinch of baking soda to make the dish more alkaline. Don’t add too much, though—baking soda can be off-putting.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (3)

    Shutterstock / Boontoom Sae-Kor

    It’s a bit too tart

    Tartness is a subset of sourness, but it implies that the acidity is coming specifically from citrus. It’s easily counteracted with a small amount of sugar, honey or maple syrup.

    If you love tartness, though, give these citrus recipes a try.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (4)


    Your dish is too sweet

    If your dish is too sweet, you can add acidity (lemon juice or vinegar) or a pinch of salt. These will help round out those sweet flavors.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (5)

    tarapong srichaiyos/Shutterstock

    Your dish has a bitter flavor

    Sometimes when you cook with certain spices or greens, your dish can end up tasting too bitter. For example, turmeric adds a bitterness (although it also adds a wonderful eastern flavor and is super-good for you). Fats and sweetness can help smooth the bitter corners of a dish, just like they make coffee taste less bitter. So add a spoonful of sugar, cream or butter to tame that bitterness.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (6)

    Shutterstock / AndrijaP

    Your dish is pretty bland

    When a dish is too bland, the first thing to do is add a pinch of salt, which brings out all the other flavors. You can also add a pinch of sugar to bring out sweetness or a splash of vinegar to bring out sour notes. You can also add more of the herbs and spices in the recipe, but with dried herbs and spices, use caution because a little goes a long way.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (7)


    Yikes! You made your dinner too spicy

    When your food tastes too spicy, and the spice comes from peppers, you can immediately counteract it with dairy such as cream or butter. Dairy products contain casein, a fat-loving compound that binds with spicy capsaicin oil and then washes it away, according to Discovery.com. If the spiciness is from non-pepper sources, you can also fix it with a touch of cream or butter. Also effective: a pinch of sugar or a dollop of nut butter.

    If you’re a fan of spice, try these recipes.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (8)

    Shutterstock / Tatiana Bralnina

    You didn’t get a good sear on your meat

    To get a good sear, your cooking surface needs to be super hot. Failing to get your cooking surface hot enough isn’t fatal to your sear, however. Simply remove the meat and pop it in the refrigerator while you reheat the pan once again.

    Next time remember to get that pan good and hot—a water droplet should sizzle and evaporate when dropped on the surface. Also, avoid overcrowding the pan and moving the meat around too much.

    Avoid these other mistakes when cooking steak.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (9)

    Shutterstock / VanoVasaio

    Your sauteed food isn’t browning

    Always, always, always preheat your pan before adding ingredients. You want your ingredients—be they veggies or proteins—to go into a hot pan. This will help your food brown up nicely.

    If you forget this step or cold food cools down a hot pan too quickly, just remove the food and reheat the pan. If your pan is overcrowded (and too much food is causing the pan to drop temp), split your dish into two pans or batches.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (10)


    You overcooked your pasta

    Surprisingly, you don’t necessarily have to start all over just because you overcooked your pasta. Instead, quickly remove only the pasta (leaving the water in the pot in case you do have to start over!) into a strainer and run cold water over it. Then drain it gently but thoroughly and fry it up in a hot pan coated with olive oil. It should crisp up on the surface.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (11)

    Shutterstock / Rawpixel.com

    You under-cooked your pasta

    This is much easier to remedy than overcooked pasta. If you saved the water (or you have time to reboil a pot), you can boil it again and place the pasta in for another minute at a time. If you didn’t save the water, you can toss the pasta in whatever sauce you were planning on serving it with and cook it together in a skillet set to low. The pasta will continue to cook in the sauce.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (12)

    Shutterstock / istetiana

    You overcooked your roast

    Not much you can do here if your heart was set on serving a whole roast beyond warning your tablemates to use lots of gravy or jus. But if you’re willing to get a bit creative, you can shred the meat with two forks as in this recipe for tangy pulled pork sandwiches and sauce it up with one of these delicious barbecue sauces.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (13)

    Shutterstock / Tanya Sid

    You under-cooked your roast

    When your biggest mistake is that you under-cooked your roast, just pop it back in the oven because roasts are forgiving that way. To get things back on track even more quickly, you can carve up your roast before returning it to the oven. This works super-well for turkey also. Remember though, meats do continue cooking for a while after being removed from the oven. If your roast is slightly underdone (or the thermometer reads a bit low), just let it sit. It will keep cooking.

    Try these easy roasts for your next special occasion.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (14)


    Your fries are soggy

    If your fried foods are soggy, it’s probably because your oil isn’t hot enough, but it could be that you’ve crowded the fryer. In either case, if your food’s not crisping up the way you’d like, stop. Remove the food you’re frying to a plate lined with paper towels. Make adjustments to the oil temperature and the amount of food you’re frying at a time and go ahead and re-fry.

    Got leftover fries? Learn how to keep them crispy here.


    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (15)

    Elena Veselova/Shutterstock

    Your sauce or gravy is lumpy

    Got lumps in your sauce or gravy? You can still save it. Simply turn off the heat and strain any large ingredients—think mushrooms or onions—from the sauce and set them aside. Then you can smooth out the rest of the liquid with an immersion blender. Mix those mushrooms and onions back in, and you’re ready to go.

    Avoid more gravy mistakes by following Grandma’s advice.

    Originally Published: June 13, 2018


    Lauren Cahn

    Lauren Cahn is a New York-based writer whose work has appeared regularly in The Huffington Post as well as a variety of other publications since 2008 on such topics as life and style, popular culture, law, religion, health, fitness, yoga, entertaining and entertainment. She is also a writer of crime fiction; her first full-length manuscript, The Tr...

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    15 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them (2024)


    What are the common mistakes we make while cooking food? ›

    Take a look at our list of five common cooking mistakes to ensure you prepare your next dish properly and perfectly.
    • Packing Your Pans to the Brim. ...
    • Improper Preparation. ...
    • Adding Food Too Early. ...
    • Going Rogue. ...
    • You Overcook or Undercook.

    What is the most important rule when cooking? ›

    1. Read the recipe. Of all the important advice out there about cooking, this by far has to be the number 1 rule of cooking: read your recipe completely before getting started. This may seem like a mundane task (especially when you're excited dive in!), but you'll be so thankful you took the time to do it!

    How do I start cooking again? ›

    Here are 18 tried-and-true ways to get back into cooking:
    1. Take a cooking class. ...
    2. Keep it simple. ...
    3. Get creative with your leftovers. ...
    4. Turn on some tunes. ...
    5. Embrace frozen and canned goods. ...
    6. Take advantage of seasonal produce. ...
    7. Try out a new spice or herb. ...
    8. Experiment with international flavors.
    Jan 19, 2023

    How do I start cooking better? ›

    21 Home Cooking Skills That Will Improve Your Home Cooking
    1. Collect Skills, Not Recipes. ...
    2. Emulate Professional Chefs and Always Do Your Mise-En-Place. ...
    3. Invest In Your Equipment. ...
    4. Choose Gadgets and Utensils Wisely. ...
    5. Taste, Taste, and Taste Again. ...
    6. Understand the Maillard Reaction. ...
    7. Source Your Ingredients with Care. ...
    8. Know Your Onions.

    What are the top 10 food safety mistakes people make? ›

    10 Food Safety Mistakes
    • Mistake #1: Not cooking meat, chicken, turkey, seafood, or eggs thoroughly. ...
    • Mistake #2: Eating raw batter or dough, including cookie dough, and other foods with uncooked eggs or uncooked flour. ...
    • Mistake #3: Thawing or marinating food on the counter.
    Oct 19, 2023

    What are the 5 common food handling mistakes? ›

    Food Safety Mistakes & Rules
    • The 5 Most Common Food Safety Mistakes & How to Avoid Them.
    • Mistake #1: Cross-Contamination of Raw and Cooked Foods.
    • Mistake #2: Not Cooking Food Thoroughly.
    • Mistake #3: Leaving Food Out at Room Temperature.
    • Mistake #4: Improper Handwashing Practices.
    • Mistake #5: Failing to Wash Vegetables.

    What is the golden rule in the kitchen? ›

    Wash your hands before you handle any food, keep your equipment and work surfaces clean, and don't let cooked food touch anything that previously touched raw food. You should keep your refrigerator at 40°F and your freezer at 0°F or colder.

    What is the 3 finger rule in cooking? ›

    Finger Placement

    According to master chef Gordon Ramsay, you should always use the three-finger rule when cutting. This involves placing the knuckle of the middle finger in front of your index finger and ring finger. Not only is this how professional chefs hold their knives but it makes cutting so much safer.

    What is the 1 rule in the kitchen? ›

    1. Kitchen hygiene 101: wash hands. Making sure your hands are clean is at the top of the kitchen hygiene rules list. It's easy for bacteria to be transferred, so wash your hands throughout prepping and cooking food.

    What is the first thing to do when cooking? ›

    Here's what it looks like:
    1. Step 1: Read & Plan. Read the recipe. ...
    2. Step 2: First Stage of Prep. Pull out the first ingredients you will need. ...
    3. Step 3: Start Cooking. Heat up the oil, start the water boiling, get that first stage of cooking going.
    4. Step 4: Prep Some More. ...
    5. Step 5: Cook Some More.
    6. (Step 6: Continue as Needed.)

    Can you stop and restart cooking? ›

    Never brown or partially cook meat or poultry to refrigerate and finish later because any bacteria present would not have been destroyed. It is safe to partially cook meat and poultry in the microwave or on the stove only if the food is transferred immediately to the hot grill to finish cooking.

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    10 Tips to Teach Yourself to Cook
    1. Get Into a Routine. Like anything, learning to cook well requires practice. ...
    2. Start With the Basics. ...
    3. Keep It Simple. ...
    4. Grow Your Spice Collection. ...
    5. Invest in a Set of Pans. ...
    6. Make Sure Your Knives Are Sharp. ...
    7. Plan Ahead. ...
    8. Cook in Bulk.

    What is a beginner chef called? ›

    A commis or junior chef is an entry-level chef who works under chefs de partie. Since they are often kitchen professionals who have only recently completed or are still undertaking culinary training, they shadow station chefs to learn more about kitchen responsibilities.

    How do I gain confidence in cooking? ›

    Practice is a key trick in building your cooking confidence! Practice similar recipes, practice different recipes…and you will build your confidence. Eventually you will be able to cook some dishes without the recipe. Slowly, slowly you can increase your reperoir but do practice some similar recipes.

    What are the top food mistakes? ›

    Here are 10 simple things to avoid that will help you prevent food poisoning!
    • Undercooking meat, poultry, seafood or eggs.
    • Not washing your hands.
    • Washing meat and poultry.
    • Cross contamination from using the same knife or cutting board to cut meat and vegetables.
    • Tasting food to see if it is still good.

    What are the most common cooking accidents? ›

    Safety in the Kitchen: 5 Common Kitchen Accidents and How to Avoid Them
    • Splitting bagels can be dangerous to your hand. ...
    • Forgotten kitchen spills are a hazard. ...
    • Washing dishes can result in nicks. ...
    • Unstable Cutting Boards are Asking for Mistaken Cuts. ...
    • Skin Contact With Chile Peppers Can Cause Discomfort.

    What are the five common mistakes that can cause food to become unsafe? ›

    These are the five most common food-handling mistakes, or risk factors, that can cause a foodborne illness:
    • Purchasing food from unsafe sources.
    • Failing to cook food correctly.
    • Holding food at incorrect temperatures.
    • Using contaminated equipment.
    • Practicing poor personal hygiene.

    What are 5 common baking mistakes that people often make and how can you fix them or avoid them? ›

    Common Baking Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)
    1. Baking at the wrong temperature. ...
    2. Not measuring ingredients. ...
    3. Checking on your items too frequently. ...
    4. Your ingredients are at the wrong temperature. ...
    5. Your dough isn't rising. ...
    6. Nothing is baking evenly. ...
    7. Your dough or batter is too tough. ...
    8. Wrap Up.

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    Author: Duncan Muller

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    Name: Duncan Muller

    Birthday: 1997-01-13

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    Job: Construction Agent

    Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

    Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.