11 Health Benefits of Eating a Spoonful of Honey Every Day (2024)

  • Nutrition
    • Honey contains vital nutrients
  • Diabetes
    • Diabetes management
  • Cancer
    • Cancer management
  • Promote Heart Health
    • Promoting heart health
  • Asthma and Colds
    • Asthma and cold management
  • Wound Healing
    • Wound healing
  • Antioxidants
    • Source of antioxidants
  • Performance Enhancement
    • Performance enhancement
  • Healthy Child Development
    • Healthy development in kids
  • Food Digestion and Absorption
    • Promoting food digestion and absorption
  • Treatment
    • Treatment of eye disorders
  • Types of Honey
    • Types of honey
  • Comments
  • More

Honey contains vital nutrients

11 Health Benefits of Eating a Spoonful of Honey Every Day (1)

Honey is a brown, sticky, sugar-saturated solution made by bees. Health benefits of eating a spoonful of honey everyday include diabetes management, cancer management, better heart health, and other benefits.

Honey is a brown, sticky, sugar-saturated solution made by bees. Honey bees or forage bees collect nectar from flowers and add some enzymes to the nectar. They then place it in wax cells to ripen into honey. The enzymes convert the sucrose (sugar) in the nectar into glucose and fructose.

Taking one spoonful of honey every day can have numerous benefits to your health. Honey has been used for its nutritional value since ancient times. It has also been found to be beneficial in the treatment of many clinical conditions.

The main nutrients in honey are carbohydrates in the form of glucose and fructose. It also contains small amounts of necessary vitamins, proteins, minerals, and enzymes. The exact composition of the nutrients in honey varies based on the:

  1. Type of flowers that provided nectar
  2. Season
  3. Processing method used
  4. Environmental conditions during harvesting.

The nutritional composition of a 20-gram serving of honey includes:

  • Energy, 58 kilocalories/246 kilojoules
  • Fats, 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates, 15.3 grams
  • fructose, 8.4 grams
  • glucose, 6.9 grams
  • Proteins, 0.08 grams
  • Water, 3.5 grams

Diabetes management

Studies have shown that honey is beneficial in treating and managing diabetes mellitus. It contains antioxidants that play a significant role in controlling diabetes mellitus. Honey can help lower the level of sugar (plasma glucose) in the blood of individuals with diabetes. Honey also reduces blood lipid and reactive protein content in most people and those living with hyperlipidemia (excess lipids in the blood).

Cancer management

Recent studies suggest that honey helps fight cancer by interfering with cell signal pathways. Honey induces an immune response against cancer cells, preventing them from proliferating. This action prevents lung cancer cells, skin cancer cells, colon cancer, prostate cancer, mouth cancer cells, breast cancer, leukemia, bladder cancer, and bone cancer cells from developing.

Promoting heart health

Antioxidants present in honey help improve heart health by reducing the risk of heart failure. They lower the risk of heart failure by reducing the ability of platelets in the blood to clot and preventing low–density lipoproteins (a protein that carries cholesterol in bloodstreams) from oxidizing.

Asthma and cold management

Folk-traditional doctors included honey in medicine to treat cough, fever, and asthma. Honey can help prevent and reduce asthma, common cough, and fever symptoms. Some studies show that honey treatment successfully manages asthma by preventing airway inflammation. Such properties also make honey helpful in the management of chronic bronchitis.

Wound healing

Honey is the oldest wound treatment and healing agent known to humankind. It activates an immune response that fights infection, stimulating white blood cells (which help fight infection and disease) to begin tissue repair. Honey is effective in the treatment of acute and mild wounds and surface and partial burns.

Source of antioxidants

Your body contains free radicals responsible for aging, impairing cell function, and causing heart and blood vessel disorders. Honey and other antioxidant-rich foods can protect you against such and other chronic conditions.

Dark honey usually contains more significant amounts of antioxidants compared to lighter honey. The quantity and quality of oxidizing agents in honey depend on the type of honey and the flower that provides the nectar. A study on healthy adults showed increased plasma–antioxidants in their bodies. Thus proving that antioxidants improve the immune defense system of the human body.

QUESTION According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

Performance enhancement

For every teaspoon of honey you consume, you get 17 grams of carbohydrates. That shows that honey can be helpful as a substitute for energy enhancement during exercises. Studies on athletes showed that taking low amounts of honey during physical activity caused an increase in performance. The effects produced by honey were much better than those of glucose. That proves that honey can work as a performance enhancer during physical activity.

Honey is an excellent source of glucose for athletes. During physical exercise, slow-burning sugar is better for sustaining energy. Honey is one of the best options since it releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream.

Healthy development in kids

Feeding babies honey has been found to improve memory and growth. It also helps to reduce anxiety and enhance a child’s performance later in life. Giving honey to kids reduces the crying phase in babies more efficiently than sterile water. Children also tolerate honey better. A study on honey-fed kids found that they tend to gain weight steadily, produce lighter and thinner bowel movements, have no digestive issues, have better calcium intake, and have a better skin color. Honey can be an excellent replacement for sweets for kids.

However, it is not recommended to give your child honey until they’re one year old. Honey may contain clostridium bacteria that can cause infant botulism, which causes constipation, a weak cry, and muscle weakness, with signs like poor sucking and decreased muscle tone (floppiness). To avoid this, do not give honey to infants.

Promoting food digestion and absorption

Enzymes contained in honey increase digestion and absorption of nutrients like carbohydrates. Honey contains simple sugar that is pre-digested. Unlike refined sugar, it can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream without needing to be digested. That makes honey a faster and more efficient source of energy.

Honey is rich in prebiotics. Prebiotics promote the health of beneficial bacteria found in the digestive system. Consuming food like honey will increase the population of these bacteria, thus maintaining good gut health.

Treatment of eye disorders

Ancient people used Indian lotus and honey from Attica to treat and cure eye disorders. It’s still used by Indian locals today to cure eye disorders caused by measles infections. The infection causes complications of discoloring effects on the cornea.

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Types of honey

Honey can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Raw honey.This is honey that has been extracted from the beehives, and only the wax and other non–honey particles are removed. It’s then packed and stored for consumption.
  • Processed honey.Here, after the wax and non–honey particles have been removed, the honey is taken to a factory where it is heated, pasteurized, and bottled to improve shelf life. Pathogens, antioxidants, and vitamins are removed through a heating process during bottling.

Within these categories, there are different types of honey. Classification is based on the aroma, color, flavor, and kind of flower nectar the bees collected. Some commonly known types of honey include clover, wildflower, orange blossom, heather, acacia, and manuka honey.

Medically Reviewed on 6/24/2022



KidsHealth: "Can I Feed My Baby Honey?"

Mayo Clinic: "Honey."

Nutrition & Metabolism: "Nutraceutical values of natural honey and its contribution to human health and wealth."

Pharmacognosy Research: "A Review of Recent Clinical Research."

The European Food Information Council: "The Health Benefits of Honey and Its Nutritional Value."

11 Health Benefits of Eating a Spoonful of Honey Every Day (2024)


11 Health Benefits of Eating a Spoonful of Honey Every Day? ›

Honey induces an immune response against cancer cells, preventing them from proliferating. This action prevents lung cancer cells, skin cancer cells, colon cancer, prostate cancer, mouth cancer cells, breast cancer, leukemia, bladder cancer, and bone cancer cells from developing.

What happens if you eat a spoon of honey every day? ›

Researchers have found that honey may increase adiponectin levels, a hormone that reduces inflammation and improves blood sugar regulation. There's also evidence that daily honey intake may improve fasting blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Is a spoonful of honey good for you every morning? ›

Morning is the best time to eat honey for boosting energy levels and staying all charged up. Having honey in the morning is not just good for your skin but has ample health benefits including: Helps you shed those extra kilos. Improves your digestive system.

What is the benefit of eating raw honey everyday? ›

The raw version of honey can also contain bee pollen and bee propolis, which may have added benefits. A 2017 review of studies suggested that raw honey may have potential protective effects for the respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, and even has potential in cancer treatment.

What type of honey is the healthiest? ›

When it comes to choosing the healthiest honey, you should look for one that is raw. Raw honeys are not pasteurized and bypass filtration, a process that may reduce its nutrients. A great variety of raw and unfiltered honey is available on Amazon.

When should I take honey, morning or night? ›

Drinking 1 teaspoon of honey before going to bed can add antioxidant compounds to help reduce blood pressure, prevent high blood pressure to limit cardiovascular risk. A glass of warm water mixed with honey before bed is enough to provide a preventive effect for this cardiovascular complication.

What are the hidden benefits of honey? ›

Honey contains a wide variety of powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which have been shown to help combat cancer and promote heart health. When you really break down the nutritional profile of raw honey you'll be amazed at all the goodness hiding in this common sweetener: Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

What does honey do to the face? ›

Honey has the unique ability to promote skin cell regeneration and healing, while also softening, brightening, and clarifying the skin. Incorporating honey into your daily routine promotes skin health naturally, making it an essential part of any skincare regimen.

Why should I take honey before bed? ›

The tryptophan encourages the relaxation process to begin and when rest arrives it promotes harmonious sleep. In addition, it influences serotonin, a hormone that helps regulate mood, pain and sleep. In this way, drinking honey at night will help us get a restful sleep and our body has a better rest and mood.

Can I drink water after eating honey? ›

Drinking a glass of warm water and honey helps you develop a strong immunity system and prevents you from falling ill easily. Honey is known to be packed with anti-microbial properties and is a rich source of multiple vitamins and minerals.

What is the best way to take honey for health? ›

Having Honey in lukewarm water every morning improves digestion and helps manage weight. It is a good alternative to sugar and can be taken by diabetics due to its low glycemic index. Honey can be applied on burns and wounds to help prevent infection and promote healing.

What are the side effects of raw honey? ›

Unlike processed honey, raw honey may contain small amounts of pollen grains. According to literature, there were cases of allergic reactions after ingestion of raw honey that contained pollen. Symptoms could range from itching in the oral mucosa to anaphylactic shock.

What happens if you eat honey every day for a month? ›

Lower Your Cholesterol: In a study that was published in the Scientific World Journal participants had to consume 70g of honey for 30 days. The study showed that honey reduced the participant's total cholesterol by 3 percent.

What are the pros and cons of honey? ›

The Bottom Line. Honey has been linked to health benefits like improved heart health, wound healing, and blood antioxidant status. However, consuming too much may cause adverse effects due to its high sugar and calorie content. Thus, it's best to use honey to replace other forms of sugar and enjoy it in moderation.

What are the healing benefits of honey? ›

Studies suggest that honey might offer antidepressant, anticonvulsant and anti-anxiety benefits. In some studies, honey has been shown to help prevent memory disorders. Wound care. Topical use of medical-grade honey has been shown to promote wound healing, particularly in burns.

How much honey can you safely eat a day? ›

Honey is still a form of sugar and intake should be moderate. The American Heart Association recommends that women get no more than 100 calories a day from added sugars; men no more than 150 calories a day. This is a little over two tablespoons for women and three tablespoons for men.

What happens if you eat honey every day for weight loss? ›

Fructose is specifically found in honey and is known to be helpful in weight loss. It is metabolised differently than other sugars and is used as energy rather than being stored as fat. This means that fructose from honey can help reduce cravings, manage blood sugar, and keep you fuller for longer.

What does honey do to your body? ›

Honey has a potential therapeutic role in the treatment of disease by phytochemical, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Flavonoids and polyphenols, which act as antioxidants, are two main bioactive molecules present in honey.

Is a teaspoon of honey before bed good for you? ›

Raw and unfiltered honey can hydrate your skin, soothe your throat, help heal wounds and sweeten everything it touches, but it can also help you get a sweet night's sleep. Raw honey, eaten just before bed, helps you snooze in two general ways: It provides easy-to-access fuel for your brain throughout the night.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.